
  1. H


    In what forms can my Hahns macaws have hemp? Seeds are clearly okay because they're in most seed mixes but I want to serve them as sprouts and microgreens. Are these forms safe?
  2. E

    My Sprouts Go Bad

    So I’ve recently bought an EasySprouter and I have many seeds,beans and lentils ready to sprout, but I’m not sure exactly how to do it. I tried a bit just to see if it would work and it started growing mold, so I threw it away. Now I’m not sure how to do it. The EasySprout instructions say the...
  3. PenClem

    Hydroponics for dummies and the birds they love

    Aerogarden had their products marked at 50% off with free shipping for 24 hours so I snagged one. I'm excited to grow veggies and leafy greens for the birds! Does anyone have one, and if so, how do you like it? I'm wondering if I can feed sprouted seeds from this as well...
  4. B

    Question about sprouting seeds

    Hi, all. Are the seeds that I purchase for my (seed addict) love bird OK to sprout, or should I purchase separate seeds specifically for sprouting? If the latter option is recommended, are there any brands that you prefer? Also, if any of you are having trouble feeding fruits and veggies to...
  5. E

    Spaghetti squash sprouts safe?

    Hi there, I have a bit of a strange question. I've had a spaghetti squash on my counter for a week or so and when i cut into it today, i found all these little sprouts. I never knew this could happen, and i plan to scrape it all out and try to eat anyways. But i was wondering about the...
  6. Violet_Diva

    Sprouting Seeds - Why Didn't I Try This Sooner !

    I'm ashamed to say I've only just tried sprouting seeds for my Bella and I very much regret not having done this sooner! They are super easy. I don't know what I was worrying about! I just soaked them overnight for the first stage, and then rinsed them 3 times a day in a glass bowl and then...
  7. New Sprouts!

    New Sprouts!

    Peas, lentils, mung beans, broccoli, grains, and tons of tasty sprouts!
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