toilet training

  1. I

    Guide on how to potty train parrots

    Hello bird lovers! I just found that guide What do you think about it? Should i try it?
  2. C

    Toilet Training

    I was wondering if i could get some advice and thoughts on toilet training. There are conflicting ideas on the topic. Some say its psychologically damaging. I am not sure about the reasons why it is damaging? :orange: I do apologise ahead of time if someone has already posted about this...
  3. Sheeji

    Help: Treats Guide

    Hiya, Leo is almost 9 months CAG. We have had him for two months only. We taught him to step up and down. He goes in his cage to eat when we say "food time". We talk to him all the time. When I say "I'm just gonna touch your head" he offers his head for a scratch. That happened by it self. Now...