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    European Weeping Willow

    Hello everyone! I've got a quick question that I haven't been able to find a definitive answer to; Are the vines of the European Weeping Willow safe for Green Cheek Conures? Whatever articles I've come across claim the branches are safe, but recommend to remove the bark. However I'm not...
  2. I

    Santizing/Cleaning large branches?

    I have some time off and I've been meaning to make a nice stand for Kermit my GCC. We have some branches from a fig tree we cut down maybe a year ago; they've been sitting in the backyard. The tree wasn't around any pesticides so I know the wood is good. The thing is, the pieces are pretty...
  3. Violet_Diva

    Chewing Or Eating Wood - Should I Be Worried ?

    A while ago I got a 'party swinger hanging parrot toy'. Bella loves playing with it - clmbing, swinging, biting etc. She makes a kind of 'raspy honk growl' at it too! A few of the wooden blocks were chewed and fell through the grate at the bottom of her cage. When removing them I found no...
  4. N

    Cleaning poop off of wood perches?

    Doing my weekly cleaning of Linus's cage, I found a spot with overlapping perches and I hadn't noticed he has been pooping all over the lower perches. How can I clean this so that it is all removed and sanitary?
  5. N

    How to make Pine safe for birds.

    Many of us desire to make our own perches out of trees growing nearby, but the question of what is safe and what is not is always an issue. Pine is safe, but only when cured. Cured means the pitch has been removed. Pine pitch contains turpentine, a somewhat toxic substance used to remove oil...
  6. JennyB

    Safe Wood

    I went in to sticker shock yesterday when I went to the store to buy branches and perches for a playstand I'd like to build. Ended up leaving empty handed! :mad: Anyway, my dad is a wood turner and I'm wondering what types of sticks and branches I could ask him to start stockpiling for me...
  7. R


    So...I am familiar with what I think is the best way to get poop off: a mixture of baking soda, lemon juice and water. It works WONDERS but it's peeling the paint off of the window sills (they're wood)...So that's frustrating...does anyone have an idea of how to prevent this?