
  1. H

    Need advice as to what to do over bite

    So my lovebird was out flying around and landed on my Quaker’s cage and one of my quakers immediately bit him and latched on, he let go before it got to bad and cut my LB a bird. He’s overall ok and acting normal, and we cleaned up the cut immediately with salt water and we’re on our way to the...
  2. L

    HELP open wound on lovebirds back

    I’ve had this lovebird for about 6 years, he’s never been bonded to another bird but gets plenty of attention from our big family. A few months ago I noticed an open wound on his back, I live in a very secluded area no bird vets and no one knows how to help, the wound doesn’t seem to be getting...
  3. bettietheripper

    Bleeding wound, still acting sad and down?

    Hello everyone, I am a worried conure parent :( On tuesday, she had a pedi at her regular vet. I've been thinking of switching vets, because every time I take her, she comes out limping and curls up either one of her feet for days on afterwards. Unfortunately, the next avian vet is about 45 mins...
  4. E

    Strange Wing Wound - photos 1st post

    My 9 year old female cockatiel isn't sick, but something is definitely wrong. Notes: Diet: Harrison's pellets, for nearly a year. Red palm oil since April. Cage: Ample size, new as of February. All new perches and toys as of March. Clutch history: 4-6 infertile clutches, discourage...
  5. L

    Help!!! My bird's foot was bitten...

    My green cheek conure flew to my macaw's cage while she was feeding and bit her foot through the bars. My GCC's foot is bleeding and swollen, it looks purple. I don't have any money to take her to the vet (and my parents won't take me either...they are not animal lovers and understanding of...
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