2012’s Newly-Discovered Birds – Owls, Barbets, Feathered Dinosaurs; Which is Your Fav


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Jan 28, 2012
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Hi All,
Ranging from easily- overlooked little wrens to large owls and brilliantly- colored barbets, a variety of spectacular new bird species were discovered or described in the past year. Fossils of dinosaurs that may have displayed colorful feathers in a manner similar to modern-day peafowl and turkeys also grabbed our attention as 2012 drew to a close. Unfortunately, some depressing findings concerning accelerating avian extinctions also came to light. Today I’ll highlight a few species and news items that were of particular interest to me. I hope you enjoy, and please let me know your favorites (whether listed here or not).
Read article here 2012?s New Bird Species - Barbets, Owls, Turkey-Like Dinosaurs and More That Bird Blog
Please also check out my posts on Twitter http://bitly.com/JP27Nj.

Thanks, Frank
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