Oh Karen,I had some very bad news today....
I loved three horses the years I was riding.As I told you Dianna has passed away, Borsalino was killed when they forced him and beat the sh.. out of him to make him get into the truck for a competition,he hated trucks ,I always had to cover his eyes to get him in, I had told those idiots, they knew, they said he had to learn, I have never hated people as much as them in my life, he hit his head on the door of the truck, opened a hole and passed away immediately, I was devastated...)
So this morning a friend called me and told me that my third love,Excallibur has some nerve disease as well,(he is really really huge) and is half paralysed back and rear legs, can hardly stand and when he lies down they cannot lift him up.So the vet said the inevitable.They will do it in about a month they said so I have to visit him...
I'm afraid to get close to horses anymore...I loved and bonded to three and all three....:17: