a question about my eckie's poop


New member
Nov 5, 2009
my happy, healthy eclectus has for the first time some really runny poop. yesterday she had more junk food than usual and I'm guessing that's why. should I keep her on her regular fresh fruit and veggie diet w/ her supplemental pellets or limit her intake? I will watch her closely but this is a first time strange poop...she is still preening, and making noises and seems to feel fine.
Most birds poop is runny. But if there isn't one bit of solid in it, then I would just limit her junkfood (I do admit I feed my birds the occasional potato chip :) ). Keep an eye on her for any strange behavior, and just a funny story, one time I had a bird sitter over and my macaw ate red pellets and his poop was red so they panicked! Hehe, so no need to be all worried about her.
I'd agree, no need to worry yet. Do get her back on good food and keep an eye on her.

This is of course as long as the "junk food" was just unhealthy - there are a few human foods that are toxic for birds, if she ate anything dangerous then perhaps a call to the vet would be in order.
My grey's poop changes with what he's eating. The more colored pellets he's eating, the solid part may turn a bit brown colored. If he's been snacking on more seeds than pellets for the day, they have a nice green solid part color.

And occasionally he'll have very clear or runny, if he eats lots of watermelon or high liquid fruit.

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