African Grey Parrots and Ott Lights?


New member
Dec 26, 2006
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I'm new here. I have a 6.5 month old Congo Grey. I recently aquired an OttLight and was wondering if I should use it for her. Is this helpful for Greys? How long should it be on her every day? Is there another lighting system that is better for Grey's? Thanks!

Misty & Cagney (My Grey)
Peta is our local bird lady and she will tell me if I am wrong.

Now I took my CAG (congo african grey) to the vet and she told me that they should get 2-3 hour of ultraviolet light a day to help with process of making ... I forget what kind of vitamin.

I don't know what an ottlight is but I hope this helps...

and if peta say I have some facts wrong... well go with what she said :D

Welcome to Parrot Forums, Nice to have you join us. I look forward to hearing lots about your bird, also we are very nice people for some pics. We do love pics here. :D

Have to say I haven't heard of Ottlight either I also have ultraviolet, and yes darkchi is spot on, about 2-3 hours a day helps with all sorts of things, health and vitamins.

I've moved your thread over to New Members, more members are likely to see it here, Maybe one of our other members knows about Ott lights.

Thanks darkchi for the vote of confidence :D still couldn't help with ott lights tho. :o
Thanks for the warm welcome! An Ott Light is a natural sunlight lamp that humans generally use. I have Ultraviolet lights for my reptiles, so I could easily switch over to one of those too.
Think for the time being I would be inclined to stick with the ultraviolet lights for Misty. I'll have a look into the Ott Lights and see what I can find out, I'll have to do this later on as its now nearly 12.30am :eek: so I'm gonna take myself off to bed.

Goodnight all.
I am also new to the forum and look forward to hearing from all of you experienced parrot owners. I am of the belief that the little guy I am going to bring home (CAG), in 2 weeks did not ask to come live with me so I want to be sure to give him the best of everything, training, love, diet, etc. The above question sparked my interest as the breeder from whom I am getting my Congo has lights in stock for reptiles (made by zoomed for Vit. D absorption). It sounds the same as what I will need for my grey. Does anyone know if parrots require different lights than reptiles? The breeder has the zoomed in stock.
The light needs are the same - specifically UV-B in the range of 300nm.

This is mainly needed for birds on poor quality diets. Quality pelleted foods provide sufficient nutrients and there is little effect of UV-B. A window allowing in natural sunlight should do quite well for a well fed bird.

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