Bird fanciers Lung


New member
Jul 5, 2013
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Pickles YCA
Kiwi OWA
Basil YCA
Pudgie & lemon cockatiels
Abbie & Finch zebra finches
8 budgies
Luna & Lucy RES
Good night everyone. I hope you and your fids are well. Last night I was rushed to the ER due to difficulty in breathing. I have asthma however last night was the worst recent memory. They gave me a nebulizer treatment and I was free to return home. However we were told to do a chest X-ray and I am currently awaiting the results. The Drs don't seem to think it was my asthma. Do you think it could be a case of Bird Fanciers Lung? Frankly I m very worried and I don't want to lose my feathered companions over my lung issues. Please help. I m very scared and worried. Thank you. Have a goodnight.
I think that is very unlikely. Bird fanciers lung (to my knowledge) happens in large commercial operations and/or from very overcrowded, dirty, unsanitary living conditions for the birds.

Being you have sensitive lungs already, it might not be a bad idea to wear a little mask when your cleaning the birds. I know every once in a blue moon when I'm cleaning Kiwi, my I'll have a sneezing fit (guessing dander?). If you have pre-existing respiratory issues this kind of "normal" dust/dander kicked up cleaning may be very irritating to you. Also, not sure if you already do, but you might want to consider a air filter designed for bird home and vacuum the bird area 2X a day. In any case, I hope the tests don't turn up anything serious and that your issues can be resolved by other means than giving up your babies.
I agree with Kiwibird; another suggestion tho, do you have an air purifier? That could be a great help as well in this situation.
Thank you so much for your response kiwi bird I appreciate it very much. You know how much I love my girls and I simply cannot think about life without them. They re my babies, especially pickles, we re inseparable. I had asthma my entire life and it tends to are up from time to time. However this was the worst it's ever been. I give the girls baths every other day and they re misted every day to keep the dander and fluff under control, that being said we do cuddle a lot and generally spend the greater part of the day together since I m on vacation from uni. There living conditions are clean and tidy, I change the newspaper twice a day and I wipe the cages down with warm water and vinegar every evening while they re outside in the trees. I feel very relieved that you don't think it's the bird fanciers lung, And I m elated my girls aren't the cause. Thank you so much. I appreciate it very much. Hugs.
Thank you LeaKP for your response. I ve never owned an air purifier I ll get one for my bedroom. As a precaution my birds have never been in my room because I do have terrible allergies in addition to the asthma. How are you and your fids?
I know you love your babies:) Just a note, even with all the fruit and baths Kiwi gets, he still puts off dander. With many birds, it still may be wise to get a air purifier and wear a mask when cleaning them just to be extra safe.

BTW, I just looked it up, and it is more commonly associated with smaller aviary species and poultry:'s_lung

But I just cannot imagine it happening in as clean of a home as you must have! It takes a LOT of bird poop accumulating for long enough to dry to the point it becomes inhalable dust.
We are doing great thanks. I love them so, they are fun and just enjoy having them at home. Right now my grey is attacking a paper towel roll and the gcc is amused watching him. Feel better!
Ohh I didn't realize it was mainly poultry birds. Seems I have managed to scare myself. I have to collect the Chest X-ray report tomorrow and we will see what happens. Although with my asthma meds I have been feeling much better and I d say almost back to normal just a slight cough and chest tightness now which should resolve in the next few days. Basil, kiwi, pickles and I even managed to have a nice walk outside today and pick some green beans for their dinner. They re all asleep now and it's very quiet. I do miss the Amazon noises at night. They re quite the characters though I ve become very weary of quiet because it usually means they're up to something and by that I mean shredding something they re not meant to be shredding lol
Not sure what part of the country (world) you are living, but as a general statement, regarding the majoring of North America, it has not been a good year for individuals with Asthma. Asthma runs in both sides of my parent's families, so I can see that reality in my own family.

Kiwibird has provided great advise and it well worth following.

Soon you will get the results and at that point you will have actionable information.

There has been many advancements in industrial and home air cleaning systems that can overcome air quality issues. Point being, its way to early to get worked-up and bring on an Asthma attack in addition to what you already had to deal with.
I'm sorry to hear you had to visit the ER :(. As far as I know, Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (Bird Keeper's lung) CAN happen in sensitive individuals who work around parrots. I was talking to a bird store owner here who I know, and I asked if her daughter still works at her dad's stores (owns a few parrot stores in Southern Ca), and she said she sadly had to quit because she came down with Bird Keeper's Lung! It is also 'easier' to acquire if one already has asthma.

About 2/3 of the page down, this person says the medical tests concluded that one of the things their body showed a reaction to was parrot dander. Ultimately, they got to keep their beloved birds. An Explanation of Bird Keeper's Lung Disease

I've googled it before as well, when I noticed some slight symptoms in myself. I haven't gone to get it checked out, but just by reading this thread it is making it harder for me to breathe! Lol... But really, although you're worried, I would not think for a second that you will have to give up your parrots. I think maybe changing some things in the set up or environment will be what you might need to do. Best of luck :).
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Have you spoken to your physician about your concerns? If not be sure to do so. So many things can cause asthma to flare and I hope your fids are not the case.
Hello everyone :) thank you so much for the informative responses and kind comments I appreciate it very much. Just returned from collecting the report, it's Asthma. I m very relieved I don't have to give up my fids over this. Thank you everyone. Hugs :)
Whether one has Asthma or any number of lesser lung based issues and you have a 'forced air' heating/cooling system. There are a number of things that will make your life more comfortable.

1. Have the complete system cleaned by a professional group (Big Yellow Truck with big hoses). If you are not doing this every four to seven years, you will be shocked what is in your ducks and supply piping.

2. Upgrade the furnace filter from the old standard 1" to the new 3" filters. There are a number of 3" filter types that you can select from based on your specific needs.

3. Humidifier - Unless you are in the deep Southeast, during the heating season, your house and your lungs are dry. Add a humidifier, furnace mounted with seasonal and humidity level controls. Make sure it has a filter.

4. Newer homes really needs an an air-exchange system to avoid a 'sick house,' which is caused by the build-up of toxins that closed heating/cooling systems are not designed to remove. Ensure that this system also has a filter.

5. Personnel air filter units or single room systems. These work, but they are a band aid (short term) answer to an overall more serious problem.

6. After you have cleaned the heating/cooling system, upgraded the filter unit (remember to select the new 3" filter system that meets your needs) change the filters twice a year if you have and use both the heating and cooling.

You will find many things have improved in your home and that you and your parrots will be far more comfortable year around.

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