Budi Conure is MOCKING ME


Active member
Feb 13, 2024
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Cockatiels, Mexican Conure
My boy Budi he is a Mexican Green Conure has been mocking me and my boyfriend lately

I think he is either teaching us tricks or is making fun of us!

When eating food that's crunchy his eyes go pinpoint and he opens his beak and goes mweh mweh mweh! Looks like he's chewing

If we crack our knuckles he does the wildest thing. He takes his foot to his mouth and makes a cracking sound with his mouth and stares at us.

If we are having conversation he joins right in and matches our energy

He's such a cute lil bugger


This is him pretending to be innocent and cute
So cute 🥰. My Quaker “ chews” when I’m chewing. Aren’t they just the funniest little animals? ❤️
My boy Budi he is a Mexican Green Conure has been mocking me and my boyfriend lately

I think he is either teaching us tricks or is making fun of us!

When eating food that's crunchy his eyes go pinpoint and he opens his beak and goes mweh mweh mweh! Looks like he's chewing

If we crack our knuckles he does the wildest thing. He takes his foot to his mouth and makes a cracking sound with his mouth and stares at us.

If we are having conversation he joins right in and matches our energy

He's such a cute lil bugger

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This is him pretending to be innocent and cute
Oh Budi is beautiful. But no my green cheek conure mimics my husband and I so much. Definitely not mocking you. They are such good listeners. We have had Emeril for 23 years. When my husband fills his pill box. Emeril mimics the sound of each pill coming out of bottle,our laugh etc. Says some words that he has heard us say. Just talk alot to him and each year he will surprise you. But always be nice. Cause they can bite hard 😁

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