Caique Cage


New member
Aug 12, 2015
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Lubbock, TX
Indigo, Blue-Throat Macaw
Tec, Green Winged Macaw
Hey guys! I know this is weird but I have a fully acrylic bird cage. I've never kept birds in anything like it and I wanted to know y'alls thoughts on keeping a caique in such a cage. I'm thinking about adding a Black Headed Caique to my little birdy group! The cage measures 4' tall, 3' long, and 2' deep. It has pretty good ventilation and was previously used for keeping a large number of parakeets at a pet store.
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As much as they are cool, I'm not a big fan on them for a few reasons. There's no bars on the side where they can climb around, limiting there space and not really giving them a lot of things to do because you can't hang in toys or perches as easily. From my experience, when a bird has a night fright, they'll try cling onto the bars, in this, they'll just be flapping around like crazy. And there's no real airflow, it's going to be like a green house in there.
No its awful, sorry. It may even qualify as animal cruelty. It is far too exposed for a prey species to find acceptable.

Caiques are treetop dwellers, playing and hiding in the leaves. I had a huge skylight in the aviary, and when I came in, I would find the caiques ( 11) all congregating in the corners and shadows. So I covered most of it.

Nobody wants to live in a fish bowl
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Another problem I would have with an acrylic cage or carrier is mess. Pixie shakes her head with every mouthful of fruit she eats and the result can be hardened lumps of colored sugar all over the perches and bars after dinner time. If I don't clean it up right away. The same goes for the occasional poop she jets against the bars. I can imagine the sides of an acrylic cage needing wiped down several times per day. Even mild dish soap solution would not have a chance to dissipate in that box either. It would be much like keeping a bird full time in an aquarium.
I could see using it with small birds, like parakeets because because it's big enough to add a lot of stuff for them to still get a lot of climbing activities. But cleaning it would probably suck.

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