My wife let me know our parrot flew into the window pretty hard this afternoon. He was stunned at first, but let her pick him up. He wouldn't leave her shoulder for about 2 hours, had trouble swallowing water initially, and his footing was off (he seemed very clumsy and off-balance). He was very quiet and fluffed out, but no drooping wings or vomiting, etc. She said he did seem a little jumpy for about an hour after - small noises made him panic. It's three hours since this happened, and he's just starting to be vocal again, preening, and his voice just now appears to be returning to normal (he was initially cooing strangely and also sounded hoarse at times). Is this cause for concern still? Should he see the vet tomorrow when they reopen or is his returning to normal behavior enough? I would have taken him today, except the vet was closed by then. Thanks in advance!