Darling the starling


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Jul 6, 2022
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Well it wasn't a parrot he was actually a starling but he was still so sweet and loving
Hi, sorry for the depressing story but I don't know how to deal with my loss and I'm sorry he wasn't a parrot but he was still precious. I had found a nestling starling and brought him in and did my research and after not being able to get ahold of anyone to come get him for two days I had to feed him something and after a few days he really grew on me so I decided to keep him. He was getting big enough I took him out with me as he couldn't %100 fly yet he would just snuggle into my neck and stay there until we came back home and last night he even showed me that he loved me back so much, I was crying and the little guy hopped up on me and he rubbed his head and back against my cheek, like how a cat rubs on your leg.m kinda, as you can see in the photo. It was like he was telling me "it's ok mom, don't cry, I love you" and it was so sweet and normally I put him in his cage because I have cats and just to be safe I put him in his cage when I can't keep my eyes on the situation but I was so tired I don't even remember falling asleep but when I finally woke up and I couldn't find him I looked down to where I was sleeping and all that could come out of my mouth was "no" I had to have said no 50 times in between sobs, and I haven't buried him quite yet because I kept hoping he was gunna wake up but honestly I'm just having a really hard time accepting what happened, sure I only had him like a week but I love him so much and I just can't get over the thought of him struggling underneath me I can only imagine what he was thinking wondering what he did wrong or if I was mad at him or just the fact of him thinking I was doing it because I didn't love him. Im sorry I just don't know how to bear it
Parrot or not loss is very hard. I'm sorry to hear that you put so much effort into a little one so many would have passed by only to loose him. Try not to beat yourself up but let yourself have some time to be sad. Stay open in the universe there may be another fledgling that needs you.
Welcome to the forums, Jecille, but I'm so sorry to hear about this terrible accident.

It is quite obvious how much how loved Darling, and that he was a much loved and cherished little bird. You gave him a wonderful home and love that he never would have known if it hadn't been for you, and that in itself is a precious gift. It was an accident, albeit a terrible and tragic one - Darling knows how much you loved him, that you would never intentionally harm him and I know that he would not want you to blame yourself. Losses like these are so very hard to bear, so naturally you will need to take some time to allow yourself to grieve. My most heartfelt condolences go out to you Jecille, I'm so very sorry for your loss.

Godspeed to the Rainbow Bridge, sweet little Darling, until we all meet again 🙏
I am so sorry 😞 RIP Darling :(
Does getting another birb help ease the pain?
And thank you for everyone's caring comments, I must say darling was the first bird I've ever had and I never realized a birb could be such a loving, smart, compassionate friend, not until I loved and lost one 🥺. Especially because I had him for only a short time but losing him hurts like I've loved him for years, changes my view on birds %110. I miss him so much!!
No. Make a emotion based decision that impacts the life of another living being is never a good idea. Trust me I have been in your shoes.
Give it time and when you can think about your Darling without being upset then you could be ready. But please don't add to your stress with a impulse decision
Does getting another birb help ease the pain?
The answer to this question I think can be both yes and no, and I've experienced both. When it works it's wonderful, but when it doesn't it's really awful and, as Icca has rightly mentioned, it will only compound your grief and heartache. Making an impulse decision when you know in your heart that it doesn't feel right is the worst thing that you can do - I've done it once and ignored everything in my heart and gut that told me it was a bad idea and it turned out very badly indeed. Take some time, allow yourself to grieve your little Darling, and don't rush into a decision. It may take a while or lightning might strike quite quickly, but most importantly listen to your instincts and to your heart, because they *will* tell you when the right little one comes along 💖

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