Davy bite


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Jun 22, 2015
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Cheyenne Wy
Blue Fronted Amazon - Davy Jones (FKA Buddy) Adopted 6/2015 @ 5 yo.
Blue and Gold Macaw Harley Quinn (FKA Harvey) Adopted 11/24/2015 @ 15 years old
One step forward, two steps back. So over the last few weeks Davy and I have been making great strides, from his food to calling me over and asking for scratches . . . his latest thing is making a clicking nose and leaning over toward my face, and when I lean closer he presses his beak to my face or lips.

My bf has surgery yesterday (he is fine, came through with flying colors , same day) and after I got him settled home from the hospital, Davy was asking for attention so I let him out talked to him offered his favorite treat. And he was acting like his normal self . made the click nose and I made it back, he leaned way over to me making it again so I got closer and bamb! He bit my upper lip. I just stood back hold my lip, I said ouch but didn't yell or jerk. He ran in his cage then displing 'Zon over stimulation behavior. And now he is acting like when I first brought him home. He won't take treats from me etc.
I am horrified I did something to set is back all the work we have done. He did a little better this morning, he did his call for me and I went over but then he growled. I fed him like normal but he hasn't gone near his food (I can hear him eating now, as I am out of site).

Sydney did something similar to me, he was perfectly sweet, kissy and everything, and one day out of nowhere, for no reason he bit my bottom lip really bad. I didn't yell or anything, dropped him to the floor and went to take care of my lip. When I came back, he was hiding in a corner on the rack below his cage behind everything. Left a nice scar, but it's barely noticeable now

He was never a hard biter except for a few times when I first got him, and I blame myself for it of course. It took ME a while to trust him again, but when I realized it was just me sending HIM the wrong signals, we got back to normal. Though right now he's been fairly moody, as the weather's cooling he's getting better again, though he still has huge jealousy issues with me handling my Grey.
Please rest assured that you did nothing wrong. :)

There 'can' always be some setbacks. Sometimes they happen without anyone ever figuring out exactly what it was that set them off.

I know it's easier said than done, but Amazons pick up on our mood a great deal, and that alone could be a potential trigger, so 'try' and not act fearful and/or reluctant towards Davy. At the same time, please don't get your face close enough so he can take a chunk out. :54:

My own Sam gave me a 'go-away-present' the morning I left to go on vacation. It was completely unexpected, there were absolutely no signs of him doing anything other than the normal kiss - but Sam decided instead of pressing his beak against my lip he'd put his beak ON it instead...and then some. :32:
Dont feel alone at all! And it is not just zons! My grey, Charlie, got me good just about an hour ago. Totally unexpected and no warning signs. He got some time out and earned homself some step-up exercises for his trouble. uploadfromtaptalk1443636541631.webp

Hurt like a bigger and has not stopped bleeding yet, Lol.
Here's my Sydney bite scar. Now I have something to always remember him by!
Such a bummer! I have only had DeRita for a little over 3 weeks and I admit, I'm a little nervous of something like this happening to me! ESPECIALLY after our little green cheek conure got me GOOD a while back.

Like your incident, I was getting Franklin out for play time, ALWAYS for years...Franklin hops up on my finger, leans forward as I bring him up toward my face...for him I always dipped my forehead down and he'd kiss/preen my hairline and say...Kiss!

Well, this particular day, I got him out, he seemed extra excited and was really leaning and reaching toward me, I'm thinking to give me a kiss! So you can imagine my shock when suddenly...this little tiny green cheek was latched onto the side of my nostril!

It took a moment for me to process what exactly was happening as I was holding him, piercing my nose! I could feel him bite harder and harder, a tear squeezed out of my eye, I could feel wetness dripping down my face and FINALLY he let go...right then my son walked around the corner and took one look at me..."MOM! What happened!" I'm all...."Frankie bit me!"

I still couldn't believe it...he hadn't bit anyone in YEARS. It seemed to shock him as much as it shocked me, but he didn't let go of me right away either.

Anyway...I was bleeding pretty good, so I just told him, as I was placing him on his cage..."Frankie! Bad birds bite, GOOD birds give kisses!" He sassed me in his conure chatter as I walked away to get cleaned up.

Well, it was a SOLID THREE (3) months, Franklin would have NOTHING to do with me. If he was out and I went to get him, he'd run and hide behind the cage and wall, or he'd refuse to come out or he'd just run away from me and make it difficult for me to get him...but my husband....my husband would walk up to where ever Franklin was and say "Frank the tank" and hold out his finger and that little stinker would run to him!

Then give me this unique "Hahaha, I ONLY love Daddy" look.

I still crack up thinking about those months...My husband one day said, as Franklin was on his hand giving me the "Look"...he says..."Franklin is mad at you right now and you just have to accept it!"

I think that was about 7 or 8 months ago, Franklin is back to his normal self with me.

I didn't ever pressure him to spend time with me, I still cared for him, let him out of his cage, fed him, talked to him and when it was time to put him away, I'd just get the stick and he was fine with that. Then one day I walked up to the cage and just like that, he was back to his old self, excited to come out and play with "Mommy"

Bites happen, it's just the way it is. USUALLY we can avoid them by watching body language...but every once in a while...they really do happen without warning, out of the blue and it's always SHOCKING!

I have faith, you and Davey will be back to normal in no time.

Take care,

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Toni it sounds like Franklin just wanted you to have a nose piercing. :p
We've all had bites.. James was still in daycare,and I had Amy maybe 2 years then..silly me,not know about "zon body language" yet..took her with me to pick him up.
All the little brats..errr..KIDS..were running amok outside..Amy was on my shoulder..and this one particular BRAT...errrr...KID...came running up to use,flapping his arms like a bird,yelling "MAKE HER FLY!!...MAKE HER FLY!!!" and ran off.
I got back to the car with James and Amy,turned my face to face her..and CHOMP!! she latched onto the corner of my mouth! I instinctively shook my head and she flopped off onto the floor of the car,her arms spread wide,tail flaired,head all puffed up. blood was STREAMING from my lip!
This is why I now wear a beard and 'stash! There is still a scar!!:eek:


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