Fargo is back!


Active member
Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
Hey strangers ! :)

Life has been very busy lately but I finally got time to let all of Fargo's extended family know about how he is going! I am sure there are many new members who have no idea who Fargo is, but hopefully after seeing his pictures you will know why he is so loveable!

It's funny, it has been months, yet it seems nothing has really happened in Fargo's life, he just stays that awesome little bird like always!

I am still at university, went through a bit of a change this term.
I was halfway through my paramedic degree, finished the first term of the year with HD's for all 4 courses, absolutely loved studying and realised I wanted to study medicine in further depth that paramedics could not offer.

So after loving neuroscience, I have switched to medical science, clinical investigation, focusing on the neuro pathway! Very exciting stuff.

Fargo went 8 days without me back in May as I was at residential school.
He did very well and bonded to mum a bit better as well!

This is a very funny story...

My best friend of 8 years was working in town one day, and an elderly couple came in and they somehow started to talk about birds.

The lady was like- I just love macaws, I wish I could have one!

and of course my best friend said- Oh ! My best friend owns a blue and gold macaw!

The lady responded with- I follow this gorgeous macaw on facebook, his name is Fargo..

My friend just started laughing- THATS MY BEST FRIEND'S BIRD!!!!!!!

The lady called to her husband- THIS GIRL KNOWS FARGO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahahahaha.. They all then had a wonderful chat and they asked many questions about Fargo and I and how I need to post more often on facebook, woops...

What a small world.

I also got a boyfriend back in March, Fargo liked him from the beginning, he tested him a little, but George knew how to handle him, he didn't get angry, didn't flinch, didn't make a big deal out of anything, and now they are best friends and Fargo rolls around on the blanket on him wanting tickles and they are constantly talking to each other hahaha

In June, another member joined the animal family, a little shire foal named Keltar, he will be big and black like the other 3 boys!

Today (8th of september) is also 3 years since I brought Fargo home. Time flies.

I hope everyone and their fids have been wonderful!

Now for pictures of the cheeky monkey! Hope they make up for our absence

Lots of cuddles

Scritches with my mum


More cuddle playtime

Cool hoody when it was rainy outside


Double scritches with mum and I

and playing with George
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Tabitha :D! I love your update!!! I always do enjoy reading your updates. Wow, so a little switch in majors huh? How exciting, I bet that is a lot of interesting stuff, and a whole lot to learn. You'll do well :).

Fargo is just as cute as can be, and every bit as adorable as he was last time we saw him :). Awesome that he is bonding with your mum and George! Congrats on the 3 years with Fargo! Awesome that he's famous around town too :D.
Lovely bird! And excited for you and your changes in life! Keep it up!
Oh my goodness, what an amazing and beautiful parrot! I love the pictures, especially that adorable hoodie. I can't believe he let you put that on him! Absolutely love the update!
Tabitha, shame on you for not visiting more often, I have to forgive since you've obviously been very busy. No matter how long you stay away, you and Fargo are unforgettable! So happy to see this lovely update.

Congrats to you and Fargo for three years together. I see your sweet boy has wrapped his cute little talons around your mom's heart too. I'm glad Fargo approves of the man in your life.

Your new career path sounds very exciting, I know you will excel as you do with everything in your life.

So now there are Four K's! Congrats!

Beautiful photos of your little superstar! Thank you, hearing from you made my evening.
Yay updates on Fargo! I was actually just thinking hm, I haven seen much of Fargo on the forum and Facebook! Congratulations on the new horse! I bet he is so handsome, black horses amaze me! Also, That's exciting that your switching majors! Too cool! And Fargo enjoys your boyfriend! There are so many new updates and are all very exciting, Fargo looks so handsome as always! He is such a cute boy :D
Tabitha is a busy busy girl.

So glad to see you're back, and fargo looks great!
Oh ya, and as always I love Fargo in that hoodie! I can't even get my dog in a hoodie... :D
TAAAAAABBBBIIIITTHHAAAAA!!! Good grief, girl- you're so awesome!! And I've missed Fargo pics! He's such a handsome and funny little guy lol love his hoodie!

I think your four K's need a fb page too lol
Thank you everyone! He is a special boy! :p

Hahaha I don't know if he 'likes' his hoodie, but he lets me put it on and he never tries to get out of it or attack it, I think over 3 years he is just used to me putting stupid stuff on him- elf hat, rabbit ears, witch's hat, tinsel, signs. ;) hehe

Ahhh I am sorry that I haven't been able to come online much, it makes it worse that my internet is sooo bad and it takes hours to upload photos now :(

I will upload some photos of the K's with little Keltar tonight so you can all see the cute little guy!

and yes! The change in degrees was quite, scary and bold ? It is hard studying something for a year and a half then deciding to finally stop, but I just realised I wasn't loving the practical component even though I was getting good grades!

I wrote a 4500 word essay on cardiomyopathy, left ventricular hypertrophy and long QT syndrome... Got 95% :o but i realised i would rather do that 10 times over than do prac.

Lucky thing is, I didn't decide to change until 2 weeks into term (you are only allowed to change 2 weeks PRIOR to the term starting). After a discussion with the head degree person, he said I was such a high excelling student that he is going to make an exception and let me enroll in the courses for medical science :p

But next year I get to go work in a hospital with a neuroscientist!!!!! I can't wait! :D

Fargo has learnt some new words now too!

Apart from CONSTANTLY whispering his name, he replies to himself 'Hey Fargo, Hey Tabitha' hahahaha!!

He also learnt peekabooooo, and don't! Which is hilarious when he does it before I can even say it...

He will be rolling around and might get a bit too excited and the pressure is a little too strong and he says 'don't'!

Good boy Fargo ;)
Oh my gosh, Tab, it's SOOOO good to 'see' you here!! :D Thank you so much for the (long awaited) update!!! Missing you terribly on the forum - yup, I admit it. :o

Many MANY congrats on your new and super exciting career path. Great, now you're using words I need to look up because I have zero idea what they mean, LOL. (i.e. cardiomyopathy, left ventricular hypertrophy and long QT syndrome) :32:

Fargo looks as blissfully happy and gorgeous as ever. :smile015: Loved hearing that mum has bonded with him, and that George is smooching with him now. AWESOMENESS!!!!

Can't wait to see photos of the 4Ks.
Good to hear from you. Glad life is treating you well. Congrats on your progress with school, i all ways knew you'd do good.
Good morning, Sunshine! (Well, morning for me, at least. Pretty much well into night for you. Haha!)

Great to see you and Fargo on the forum again, mama! For those who don't yet know you and Fargo, they're in for a treat!

Like I told you when it first happened, this change in focus of your studies suits you well. I think that, with your talent and drive, you'd excel at whatever endeavor to which you decided to put your mind... but I get the feeling you'll be happiest in neuroscience. (As an added bonus, you might manage to solve the complex and uniquely odd enigma that is your own brain. Hahaha! Lofty ambition, I know, but who else would be crazy enough to try?)

Loved the pics, Tablet. Tell George I said hi, and welcome to the headless pictures club!

Oh! And You need to post some Finley pics for everyone, too! We'd be talking mass swoonings, here. Hahaha!
Glad to see your back!
Fargo looks exactly like my bird laying on his back chewing your fingers. Wish mine would speak more though. But he's only 1 year old.
Aww, so good to see you and Fargo, Tab!!!! We really missed you around here.
Congrats on your new studies! It is definitely a tribute to what a wonderful student you are that they made the exception for you, and I bet they were thrilled to do it!
Great pics of Fargo, would love to see some with your pretty face and your new boyfriend as well:)
Yay Fargo!!! I remember seeing his Christmas picture and falling 100% in love. Also yay shires!!!! Drafts are the best ever
Sounds like you're leading a busy, full, interesting, and productive life...

I also loved the "hoodie" pic. Though I doubt any of mine would tolerate that for a second...
It's awesome to see you online! I'm relatively new on the forums but have read and heard heaps about Fargo, so have thoroughly enjoyed your updates :D
Fargo looks as awesome as always! Thanks for the update!

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