Free flying conures.


New member
Jun 29, 2010
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7 Cockatiels
3 Love birds
1 Bulbul
I joined a small group of people free flying their conures yesterday.

[ame=""]Free flying conures. - YouTube[/ame]
very awesome video!! i want to free fly my conure one day if i can find some fellow conure owners! i feel its better to do it in a group rather than alone so you got more eyes out there watching for hawks and other predators. my main fear is what if the conure just flies off into the sunset lol? what keeps them from flying away? i may just stick to harness flying idk yet though. would like to get a reallly long harness so he can get some good flight.

also i love the african gray lol - they always remind me of a giant turkey! do you need to do any quartine thing when bringing your bird with other peoples birds like this?
do you need to do any quartine thing when bringing your bird with other peoples birds like this?

This would be my 2nd concern.

I love seeing them have the freedom to fly like this outdoors but I would be soooo scared!
very awesome video!! I want to free fly my conure one day if i can find some fellow conure owners! I feel its better to do it in a group rather than alone so you got more eyes out there watching for hawks and other predators. My main fear is what if the conure just flies off into the sunset lol? What keeps them from flying away? I may just stick to harness flying idk yet though. Would like to get a reallly long harness so he can get some good flight.

Also i love the african gray lol - they always remind me of a giant turkey! Do you need to do any quartine thing when bringing your bird with other peoples birds like this?

warning: Free flight training is complex. I would advise you to get professional instruction on how to do this one, or chances are very high that you will lose your bird!

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