Gator took flight!!!!!


New member
Sep 6, 2015
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Jacksonville, Fl
Catalina Macaw
Gator took flight last night, at first we were on the floor playing and he would kind hop and fly to me. He done this about five times, then he took off and flew to kitchen and back to living room landing on edge of TV that is on the wall, and of course he dropped...I knew it was a matter of days! My boy can

I have dropped him down to one feeding, but he is only taking like 30 cc's...he has been eating very well with his fruit, veg's, and pellet mix.

I am still currently having the issue of him screaming like crazy, only when I am in sight. I don't know what to do about it. I have tried to comfort him when he was doing it and it still continued. I then tried to ignore him, and that made things worse. From the time I get home till bed time for him (I cover him up for bedtime) he does settle down after a bit after being covered up for the night.
My husband is getting really irritated with him and I try to explain he is only a baby.....any suggestions would be great!!!!
Congrats Gator!! He's growing up! I bet that felt amazing watching him take his first real flight(:

As far as the screaming you're gonna have to be patient with the little dude! he would still be with his mama in the wild! once you start to see him becoming a little more independent you can start the "ignoring" take on the noise level. If you flip flop back and forth between comforting him for his noise for a couple days and then ignoring him he's just going to get confused lol which he may scream out of frustration at that point because he doesn't know what's going on but he'll catch on eventually! Young little birds brains are like little sponges(which I'm sure you've noticed) and will pick up on what is acceptable and what isn't very quickly with consistency

With my sunny We had to go through a "transition" phase on how I handled his negative behaviors. When I was feeding him I would come to the rescue when he was screaming and after I finally took his last feeding away and he was eating on his own for a good week and all was good I slowly started switching over to not giving him attention. I actually noticed that when he would scream I would tell him "inside voices" in a very soft polite tone and if he insisted on being obnoxious I would just turn my back, not actually leave the room and when he would quiet down some I would turn back around and tell him he was a good boy for using his inside voice. If he screamed again I would turn my back again, eventually he started mimicking my volume and finally learned the concept that if he uses his inside voice he'll get to play and get lovins!((: but BOY not giving into those cute little feather bums is the hardest thing to do!! He definitely was testing my will power lol but it all paid off in the end and he grew in the most well behaved little bird and so polite!
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He will be 13 weeks old on 10/5....
Found out also, he is a little escape artist. He was in his cage on back porch and the top of cage has doors on top, well he figured out how to open
:eek: Uh-ooh. You've got yourself a super smarty, there, Tania!! I would have loved to have seen your expression when you realized Gator can open the top. :D

Has he taken to the air again since his maiden flight?
Yes, I can't really say on here my words that I

He has taken flight 3 other times and this morning, drew the line for me...he was flying up against the ceiling and head hitting it... I called vet and got him in today to have those beautiful wings clipped....they took the first five off and he had his first nail trim, which was not a good experience. The wing clipping was easy, he let them open his wing and snip, but nails, not so much. They toweled him and he had a major grip....poor thing was exhausted.
He was so tired, tonight he slept on my chest for about two hours. About every 15 minutes he would hold his head up and give me kisses....
He also, called me "mama" this afternoon.....I had tears in my my boy so much!!!!
Wendy, I just finished making your birdie bread and cook mix with the 15 bean soup. I will
let you know how he likes it.
NNNAAAW! Thanks for the update, Tania!! I know how scary it is when they crash into things while flying. They hit things quite hard, don't they? :(

I bet you had massive goosebumps when Gatos said "mommy". How cute is that!! :D

Can't wait to hear if your gorgeous boy approves of the recipes. :32:
Today Gator said "come here"...looks like he is going to have a very broad

As for you recipes, he hasn't taken to them yet....but I still offer it to him. I sure hopes he it's them....I have a lot in the freezer....

Greetings from Gator outside enjoying!!!!


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