GCC Vomit or Regurgitation?


New member
Sep 28, 2020
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A 4MO cinnamon GCC named monkey
Hello everyone!

I’m very new here so I apologize for any mistakes.

I have recently become an owner to a beautiful 4 month old cinnamon GCC named Monkey (getting a dna sexing soon). All has been absolutely great other than this one issue. I have owned a fair share of cockatiels and budgies in my past so I am familiar with general small/medium avian behaviors. However, I have come across a behavior with Monkey that I have never seen before. He is a very very tame and people loving bird so naturally he loves playing with me. He absolutely LOVES being on his back and wrestling with my fingers, I try to flip him back onto his feet but he just rolls back over again. I am very cautious to not touch his wings/back/under wing area for the sexual frustration that it causes birds. I stick to his feet and beak/ face area with scratches that he appreciates. I recently noticed that at times during our play when he is on his feet and even occasionally on his back before he flips back over, he will fluff his feathers, bounce his head up and down with an open mouth and finish with that, no food has ever come up. It alarms me because my first through it that he is vomiting because of being on his back, that the food in his crop is coming out. When this behavior happens and he happens to be on his back I immediately flip him over. I am confused as to whether this behavior is normal regurgitation towards a mate, or if it is a serious vomiting/crop infection that I need to take him to the vet for.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!:gcc:
I dont know
It seems like excited happy and regurgitate or mock regurgitate to you

Mine will do this occasionally when happy and full of love, right now your baby is probably practicing that behavior
That definitely sounds like regurgitation to me. Birds being on their back like that can be a sexual trigger, just depends on the bird.

If it was vomit, it would be digested food coming up from the stomach, not undigested from the crop. If anything does come up that's how you can tell the difference. Vomitting is a much more stressful and violent action, the bird will fling it head and often get vomit all over the place.
Welcome to you and Monkey, thanks for joining. Lovely name, evokes the legendary GCC personality!

Agree the behavior resembles regurgitation rather than medical issue. You are welcome to upload a video if able to capture. Best method is via YouTube link.

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