

New member
Aug 13, 2024
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African grey
He is about 8 weeks old, loveable and still baby talk. When I go to work he needs to go to his cage. When I return from work, I can see he didn't eat or drink water. Should I be worried. He loves when I'm back can't wait to get out the cage. He sleeps next to me in his own bed. Pls help with him not eating or drinking water. Thank u
I have no idea, but I'm glad you're here. Can you contact the breeder?

Here is an old thread that might help...

And here are some veterinary options...

Certified Avian Vets
If none are near you...
Avian Veterinarians
In my opinion, any of the vets listed here should be better than a regular vet.
International contacts, too.
If none are near you, maybe you could call and ask for a recommendation for somebody in your area.
And... sometimes, distant vets will offer brief thoughts or advice...

Also, most parronts discourage letting the bird sleep with you. We hear so many sad stories about birds being crushed or smothered...

I'm glad you're here.
Did you buy the parrot from a breeder? Was he completely weaned off parrot formula? If he really is 8 weeks, that is very young to have weaned him. If he is not weaned, baby parrots do need to eat regularly. Honestly I would return him to the breeder to have the parrot completely weaned for at least a week.

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