Great Deal for Anyone with Smaller parrots!

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oh my god so cheap but i wish i was in usa to order it
Aaah i am jelly for you in US!

Tho my bird would just throw everything off from the hooks, like he does now xD
Ok, was meant for budgies but Hazel “helped” me build it and is enjoying it too. Destroying it actually!😁
I have this for my myers parrot Jasper. He likes it next to his cage. I put a plexiglass barrier between the dresser that contains his cage and gym and my kitchen table. It contains most of his naughtiness. The base is maybe 15” by 20” and is slippery coated pressboard.

The large would work ok for Quakers or cockatiels, a bit of a stretch for budgies but they’d still use it. It’s just the right size, maybe a tiny bit small for a myers parrot. He fits in the swing wonderfully but will have eaten the pine dowels before long.
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