Healthy Cockatiel Occasionally Vomiting?


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Mar 29, 2022
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Hi everyone!

Pecan, our ten-month-old female cockatiel has been throwing up once or twice a month, and we're concerned because the vet recently told us that cockatiels throwing up (not simply regurgitating) is abnormal. Typically she throws up early in the morning and is sometimes lethargic, but goes back to her normal self by the end of the day. Her poop is usually normal as well. We have taken her to the vet multiple times and have had her fully tested twice, and the results were all normal. We know she's not regurgitating because she usually does it in her cage alone and throws it all over the place. We're curious if anyone else has experienced similar behavior and if we should be concerned.
Oh how frustrating for you that you haven't been able to figure this out yet.

Maybe try keeping a journal of what she's eating each day and see if there's any pattern to when she vomits? Like, a certain veggie or something?

I have no ideas really, but hopefully someone else might have been through this before.

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