Hello my fellow bird lovers


Aug 6, 2014
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Hello! My name is Valerie. I joined parrot forums a couple of days ago because often when I google things about my bird or birds in general, I've noticed parrotforums.com appears quite a bit in my search results. This bird community seems really great and I am excited to be apart of it!

I've had quite a number of various sorts of small birds and small parrots, and as of right now I currently own a Kakariki. He is a red fronted male, and his name is Tiki! :green1: I also own a Dutch bunny named Sweetie, and I have two french bulldogs, Rosie and Lily. I am a huge animal lover :D
Welcome Valerie :) Red Fronted Kakarikis are super cute! This is a great bird community, glad you joined us.
Hi and welcome! This is by far the best forum I've come across for parronts! AND...we love pics:D
Hello Valerie and welcome! I would also love to see pictures:)
So glad you joined us!
Aw that sounds like a house full of fun! Welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay! :D
Thank you everyone!!! There are some things that only bird owners will understand so I'm glad I found people who can relate. :09::)

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