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Mar 10, 2018
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A pair of lutino cockatiels
I bought a pair of cockatiel lutino, more like rescued, they are very timid, and I have a few questions. But first description of their condition.

I got them from a pet shop, the owner didn't take care of these birds and stuffed them into a small cage with 4 more cockatiels, and had only seed diet which had just two types of seeds in it, it was awful!! I feed them nutritious food they really love veggies now. They have always been silent, probably since birth, my pair is about a year old or older. They don't whistle, sing, they will just perch and sit quietly all day long and just get down to eat food. They are very afraid of hands going into the cage, the female cockatiel seems to be less scared day by day, but the male would panic like hell if I even open the cage door to place food, and he causes the female to panic too, and she might become aggressive towards my hand.
P.S this male and female don't go together, my female is kinda annoyed by this male and will hiss at him or bite him gently sometimes. Both will perch and sit quiety for hours, and pluck feathers for a while and sit quietyl, no chirping no screaming nothing. I keep the cage gate open, but they won't even come out

I am trying my best, it's been just two weeks though, but still if anyone had experienced such thing and got their birds to be tamed, let me know. Any tips are really welcome, I will be forever grateful <3
I don't want them to be cage ornaments, I want them to be friends and family.

My questions:

Should I let them out of the cage now? (just been a week yet)
Will I be able to tame them ? (MOST important question)

Should I get a separate cage for the male ? As he is causing hindrance in taming of my female cockatiel.
Hi there and welcome to the forums.

You've only had these two babies for 2 weeks, and they are probably very confused, considering that they were living in such a different environment prior to you. It may take some time for them to adjust and start playing with their toys, etc. Berry, my cockatiel, was semi-tame (hand-reared but barely handled after she was weened) and for about 3 weeks she was TERRIFIED, barely tweeted and hardly played with toys. She eventually started coming out of her shell, and began to be more curious and explore. It took me about a month to gain her trust, and now she is very attached to me.

So, to answer your questions:

1) I do not recommend letting them out of the cage until they are at least semi-tame. Chasing them around the room to get them back inside will just make them even more scared and stressed. In other words, don't rush things. It will take time and patience. This brings me to the next question.

2) Yes, of course they can be tamed! I have posted a sticky on the budgerigar forums, in which I gave some advice and an effective step-by-step process for taming and bonding with your birds, you can find it here. It will be as effective with cockatiels. You can also find additional tips for bonding and building trsut, here.

3) If there is serious aggression, it is advisable to separate them, at least for now. They may begin to tolerate one another more after some time, but they need to be separated if they are beginning to hurt one another. Make sure to get a nice big cage for the bird you choose to move.

Good luck! Remember that patience is key. :)

P.S. In future don't go to the pet shop that abuses their birds or any other animals, even to get supplies. By purchasing there you are technically supporting their abuse. That being said, thank you for giving these 2 a loving home!
Thank you so much for the detailed response <3
I would love to buy birds from aviary or a good pet-shop, but the problem where I live there are no aviary/pet-shops that actually keep good care for birds, birds can only be found in flea market area ONLY (India doesn't have much to offer when it comes to bird pets, they are just captured and fed a seed diet until someone buys them off) I feel good that I rescued them and they eat good, hopefully in a few months they will start chirping, and so far the pair just hisses and bite gently at each other, no violent attacks yet.

Today when I tried to had feed them via my hand in the cage, the female started hissing and attacking my hand, luckily I backed off, the male is pretty timid so he was hiding in corner. but they will eat green veggies if i hand feed them from outside the cage, so I guess I am making progress after-all. :)
I agree with what reeb said. They are in a new environment and have no clue whats going on. Its good to know they are eating're doing a good job with that!
Two weeks isn't long at all. I would personally separate them,but keep their houses close to each other so they can see each other.
Talk softly and sit by their houses and read to them.
Try to find something they really like to eat..sort of a bribe for them. I know my little BB would rob a bank for a sprig of millet!

Take it easy and slow with them,you're on the right track. I'm sure soon they will start to vocalize..little chirps,maybe a the radio for them.

My little guy now is unbelievable with his whistling and singing,he even says a couple words and phrases.

And welcome to the forum! Please stick around. Ask questions..give us updates...even post pictures! ( We ALL love pictures!)

Welcome! You're at the right place for support, education, and general FUN.
I love cockatiels, and I'm glad you're bringing your story to us.
We love pictures! Lutinos are so beautiful...
Lots of good info here. Time and patience will be the testers. You're taking better and great care of them now. It will be worth in the long run, they love to love and be loved and with their people.We'd love to see them sometime!
I found the BRIBE ! it's not sun flower seeds, it's sprouts ! haha The male used to be so afraid of hands and fingers all the time, now he will come and eat from my hand with ULTIMATE alertness! it tickles when they eat from hands, I try not to move my hand even a mm! I am seeing progress !

I love this forum, so many awesome people to guide !
Thanks you so much dear :)
I tried your technique of tempting with food haha it works ! My birds will eat from my hands, while being alert, as long as I don't move, even a little. I see progress !
That's a great feat! Progress already.

Sprouts are great for them. The way to a bird's heart is through their tummies! Always fun hearing them munch.


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