He's heeeeeeeeeeeeere!


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2010
Maryland - USA
Parker - male Eclectus

Aphrodite - red throated conure (RIP)
May I introduce you to...PARKER!

He's my handsome vos/RS (tbd). He is already adapting really well, talking and letting me hold him, and his vocabulary is exceptional! He sings the beginning of the song "a bushel and a peck", says "are you a good boy (sometimes says girl instead)", hello, Good Porker" (his old name that had to go, hence the new name Parker), has an evil laugh, among a ton of other things. This big boy is truly amazing!
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Another one
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What a cute guy Parker is :D! Congratulations Chris! I see now why his name is Parker lol. Sounds like a sweetheart already. I bet he's adorable to hear talk ;) I love their voices.
I was hoping to find a post from you when I came to the forum this evening! Congratulations on bringing Parker home (love the name, btw)!!! Sounds like things are off to a great start - hope to see more photos as you guys settle in together.

How was the car ride home? Thought of you as we were driving to and from Maine this weekend. Big road trip for Baxter!
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GB, he was a dream. He was chatty for the first ten minutes, frequently asking me if I was a good boy (context, much?!). He went completely silent for the rest of the trip. Once I got him home and cleaned his cage, he settled in and started talking about half an hour later. He's an adaptable little bugger! Even DH is amused by his chatter!

Raven, I will post video tomorrow maybe of his chattering. He's a talkative one. It's just adorable :). Discovering what he can say is so much fun. We just discovered he says "birdie birdie birdie" really quickly. Just amazing!
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Welcome Home, Parker!

Congratulations, Chris! Parker's a beauty, I love his new name!

I'm glad he's off to a great start in his new home. Looking forward to hearing him talk.
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Thanks Allee! Honestly I can't get over him asking me again and again if I was a good boy. It really betrayed an insecurity in him with leaving the family he had known for 3 years. It's the second time I've heard a parrot talk in context and it's very poignant. I'll post a video tomorrow.

He's on a new diet, which I'm beginning to question(Higgins debybdrated fruit mix, but the store owner has seven eclectus, she feeds them this, and the one I saw was happy and looked wonderful!)
So pleased for you, congratulations!
I love in context talk, such smart things, these parrots :) Sounds like you're smitten!
can't wait to see the videos :)
Labell is kind of the electus food expert... I think she will chime in but fresh and varied diet is best.
Congratulations, Chris! I'm so happy to see that Parker is home and adapting well to his new circumstances. Keep the pics coming!

And btw, Doublete is right. Parker's diet should consist of 80% veggies, fruits, grains, sprouts and legumes. Small portions of seeds and nuts for treats are also good. Variety is key, and Vitamin A is especially important. Ekkies are very diet sensitive, and are especially vulnerable to disorders that spring from either vitamin deficiencies or over-supplementation.
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Thanks guys! He's wonderful except his calls this morning *wince*

To be clear, my intention is mostly fresh fruit and veg. This will supplement the diet. The store owner gives it to her guys so I figured why not, it's better than the supreme he's on. But I just read about how dehydrated fruit increases sugar concentrations, and I know sugar might be an issue for ekkies.

I'm working to identify what foods he likes. He won't take bananas or pineapple, but love celery. So we have a beginning of future meals :)
Congrats on Parker! You're in for a lot of fun:)
Sugar in fruit and the sugar we think of are really two different things. I often would dehydrate fruits and veggies for mine what I would be concerned about with commercial brands is if there is sulfur added which I wouldn't feed.

There are a lot of great posts in the eclectus section on diet choices and variety. Congrats on your boy.:)
Congrats Chris and welcome home Parker! Love his new name and he should get used to it without a hitch since it's so close to that other, ahem, less desirable name.
So happy for you all! He is a beautiful boy:)
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A plus to working where I do: our floor is provided a basket of fruits to share. I'm taking a pear and kiwi to him to see if he likes those. I feel like a little provider, love it!
To get them to try new stuff, I chop my Eckies food up into practically mush which they gobble like little pigs even if they wouldnt TOUCH the individual ingredients in bigger chunks, or would throw them out ofthe dish

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