Hi Im Jessica and I'm getting a quaker


New member
Jul 11, 2015
annandale, Virginia
blue Quaker named zazu
:blue2: Hi I'm Jess,
I am new to the forum, but have been frequently reading it for about a month now. I am 17 and a freshmen in college. I have been researching parrots for about 2 months and have purchased my first parrot, which is a baby blue quaker parrot named Zazu. He is still being weaned so he is not home yet but I am very excited and would love any of your expert advice in becoming a parront.
Hello Jess, Welcome to the forum, so glad you joined us!

I love all quakers, but the blue ones are stunning. Zazu is a very cute name for a quaker. You must be so excited about your future companion.

Here's several links you may find helpful. The last one is our Quaker parrot sub-forum, you may enjoy browsing through the past posts.



Quakers - Parrot Forum - Parrot Owner's Community

Have fun with your research! Looking forward to lots of photos of Zazu!
It's always nice to welcome another Quaker-- and Quaker parront-- to the Forum. :) Once your new friend comes home, you'll soon discover that life is seldom dull when there's a QP around. :D

Visit the Quaker sub-forum and you'll find lots of information-- and don't hesitate to ask any questions you have.
Congratulations on your new addition! Blue Quakers sure are beautiful.
Hello Jess and welcome! Zazu is an awesome name:) I so love the blue Quakers, and can't wait to see pictures of your new baby when he comes home. How much longer before you can bring him home?
I'm so glad you joined us:)
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Hi Jessica. Fantastic choice. I have two, Forrest & Fern. A green male and cinamon female. They are both about 3 years. I've had them from weaned. Lovely bonded pair. So much character and fun although they can be fiesty with strangers. Enjoy. The more time you consistently spend with your parrot the more rewarding it becomes. You now have a great responsibility to give the little guy all he needs and deserves.
Welcome and I'm so excited for you, embarking on your adult life with a wonderful companion like a parrot, especially a Quaker parrot! A close family member has two, both pallids. They're great parrots and a wonderful choice. I enjoy their company. They really seem to crave and enjoy being out with their human flock mates. Quakers really do tend to become very territorial about their cage/home base. Try not to take it seriously the first time they exhibit that. It's hard-wired for them to be so protective of home. Teach Zazu from his malleable, baby stage to step on a hand-held perch, so you'll always be able to get him out of his cage. Most cage-protective parrots are completely different out of sight of their cage. Can't wait to hear lots of updates about your new baby.
Hello and welcome to the forum:) Quakers are beautiful birds. You'll find lots of helpful information on this forum, if you have any questions you can always ask :)

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