Indian Ringneck Nest Materials


New member
Jul 24, 2011
NSW, Australia
Shrek & Fiona the Indian Ringnecks, Chiku the Fischer's Lovebird Marley the Cockatiel, Dara and Bullrush the Eastern Rosellas.
I apologise in advance if this is in the wrong place but I am not sure where else to put it.

I am in the research phase about breeding my indian ringneck. I am getting my female in around a month and I will be giving them a year together before I start breeding but I want to source everything out now.

What sort of nesting material do these guys need? I want to ensure I have a supply in place come time to breed since they enjoy chucking all the materials out of the nest before they lay and I will need to have a stash to replace it with. What will they accept and what are the pros and cons of each?

I have just discovered a concept of nesting blocks which is basically just small pine blocks that people put in the nest boxes for the hen to chew so she doesnt chew the box and chuck out all the materials. Has anyone used these? And do they work?
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Dec 15, 2010
2 Budgies, 3 Cockatiels, 6 GCC'S, 2 Crimson Bellie Conures, 9 Sun Conures, 2 Major Mitchells, 12 Eclectus parrots of various ages, 2 BF Amazons, 2 Hahn's Macaw's, 1 Red Tail Black Too
When i used to breed Asiatics I used untreated pine shavings in their nest box prior to the breeding season which in the tropics is winter. Ringnecks a little later, normally have chicks hatching late October early September. Also they loved me craming the box with natives like bottle brush or weeping tee tree. Just the tips of the branches, they spent many hours chewing it all up to line the nest & when they had it just right i would see the pairs mating.

I have never had a problem with my birds throwing out the nesting material. Although the hen spends a lot of time turning over & digging in the material once she has chewed it up almost like a course powder.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
I use pine shavings as well....easier to get since I live in the city...

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