New member
The last few days, Rocky has been hanging on the side of his cage, staring at the wall behind it (we think) and shrieking in apparent distress/fear. We have examined this wall thoroughly. We have looked at the floor, at the hallway beyond, all around and above and behind and cannot find anything that could be upsetting or that is different from what it was before he began doing this. I've moved things. I've cleaned the top shelf of his cage. I've picked up things and asked "Is this it?" and nothing is. I'm at a loss. Yesterday we put his cage out on the enclosed porch and cleaned that area from top to bottom in case there was a spider (one of my Quakers is deathly afraid of spiders) or a spot that he could see that we could not. We're stumped. He was content on the porch and had the wild birds at the feeder for entertainment and didn't yell at all. But it's too chilly at night to leave his cage there and it's not secure, either, so we brought him back in last evening and he went right back to staring at the wall and shrieking. His crest is up, his feathers are slicked down, it's all just the same reaction a parrot has to a threat.