Is it ok to Mist my New Macaw to give him a bath if...


New member
Jul 30, 2015
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Ruby- 5 y.o. CAG;
Pharaoh, Emmy, and Sky-Quakers of unknown age;
Maui- 8 m.o. Catalina macaw
I have had my B&G for 2 weeks now and although I can give him treats by hand, he will still not come out of the cage, step up for me, or allow me to pet him. I know he needs to get a bath at this point but I cannot put him in the shower if he will not come out. So I am wondering is it going to be ok to try and mist him even if he still isn't to the point where I can take him out? I just don't want to damage the little bit of trust he has given me so far.
Is that him in your profile picture? He is beautiful. Is he the one that is 15 years old? I am not even going to begin to give advice lol. I am just here to admire your new addition :)
Yes that is my newest feathered baby in my profile picture :) He is 15 years old and I brought him home from a rescue two weeks ago. He is absolutely precious even though he is still trying to figure out what's going on and get used to his new home. He plucked under his wings, on his sides, and on his legs while there and was doing it here the first few days but has stopped now (knock on wood) so hopefully he continues to keep from plucking so that at least some of his feathers come back.
Give it a shot! Go slow and, if he reacts poorly, a bath can wait. If he loves it then maybe it can be a good bonding tool!
Alright I will have to give it a try tomorrow morning after I give my CAG a bath
I'm not the best person to give advice. However, I would think that maybe if he saw your cag getting a bath and enjoying it, he might be more interested?

Also, Pixie likes to take a bath in her (big) water bowl sometimes, by herself. Maybe a big bowl of water would tempt your B&G? Pixie loves showering under the mist setting of the garden hose, but she absolutely hates the spray bottle, and is terrified of the bathroom: birds react "strangely" sometimes.
My CAG hates baths in any and all forms. She once in a great while will take one on her own in a bowl on her perch when she is out of the cage but I am talking weeks in between doing so, so I take her into the bathroom and set her on her shower perch and let the water splash on her and let her soak up the humidity. I am hoping my B&G will be the exact opposite of her once he warms up to his surroundings and wants to come out
My CAG is the only bird I've got that hate baths.

My macs "celebrate" getting wet...
I definitely know the struggle with the CAG hating baths. I am hoping my mac will "celebrate" getting wet as well. He was a little moody this morning so I didn't want to try misting him
So misting is going to be a negative for now. I misted my hand to show him how much fun it could be and he clung to the side of the cage so I stopped right away so that it wouldn't freak him out more.

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