Is She Sick


Active member
Aug 15, 2023
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I found my bird, Snow, being a bit too nice. Normally she has her limits with me holding her. Now it seems that whenever I hold her she'll become she'll be comfortable. Even when she's laying down. On a regular day she's only fine with me sticking my finger out and her flying to it. But now something seems off. Her poop is also weird and I have some pictures for all of this behavior. Is urgent veterinary attention required? And also is there anything I can do for her other than take her to the vet which I can't do at the moment.


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I found my bird, Snow, being a bit too nice. Normally she has her limits with me holding her. Now it seems that whenever I hold her she'll become she'll be comfortable. Even when she's laying down. On a regular day she's only fine with me sticking my finger out and her flying to it. But now something seems off. Her poop is also weird and I have some pictures for all of this behavior. Is urgent veterinary attention required? And also is there anything I can do for her other than take her to the vet which I can't do at the moment.
Her poops seem watery. Has anything in her diet change. Sometimes when I give my conure certain veggies/fruit that contain higher amounts of water in it causes them to have loose poops. Are all her poops like this? From the picture above she does seem tired. She could have bonded more with you therefore letting you pet her more, however I would take her to see an avian vet just to be sure she is okay. I would recommend keeping her warm, track her weight to make sure she isn’t loosing any weight, and observing her to make sure she doesn’t show any other symptoms. Hope this helped a little bit. Keep us updated on how she is doing :)
Her poops seem watery. Has anything in her diet change. Sometimes when I give my conure certain veggies/fruit that contain higher amounts of water in it causes them to have loose poops. Are all her poops like this? From the picture above she does seem tired. She could have bonded more with you therefore letting you pet her more, however I would take her to see an avian vet just to be sure she is okay. I would recommend keeping her warm, track her weight to make sure she isn’t loosing any weight, and observing her to make sure she doesn’t show any other symptoms. Hope this helped a little bit. Keep us updated on how she is doing :)
A lot has happened since I posted this. I thought she got better as she got more active. I thought she wanted me to pick her up for warmth. But then in the evening I saw her sleeping on the floor. I can't get her to a vet till tomorrow evening. Any help in the meantime is much appreciated.
If this might help?

Certified Avian Vets
If none are near you...
Avian Veterinarians
In my opinion, any of the vets listed here should be better than a regular vet.
International contacts, too.
If none are near you, maybe you could call and ask for a recommendation for somebody in your area.
And... sometimes, distant vets will offer brief thoughts or advice...
I am hoping Snow makes it OK. Lesson - when parrots show outward signs of illness, they are already pretty sick, because as prey animals, they hide signs of weakness at all costs until they can't help it. A parrot looking or acting ill or sick is a compromised bird, and should see a CAV ASAP.

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