Just Curious: Are Rock Pebblers Restricted? Hawaii


New member
Apr 15, 2015
Conures, 2 Red bellied parrots lovebirds.
I'm just curious to know if Rock Pebblers/ Regent parakeets are restricted in Hawaii? Perhaps SilverSage would know? If not, where would I find one?

Btw: I never did get a Red Belly if anyone remembers my previous ISO post.
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There are red bellied parrots at Kalhihi Pet Center right now! Just learned about them a while back, but I thought you might be getting one from Edgar.

Plant Industry Division | Importing Animals to Hawaii from the U.S. Mainland

Here is the page with the lists you would need to look at. There is a list of prohibited species, but what you really need to look at is the list of conditionally approved species. If the animal is not on that list, they are called "non listed" and that basically means illegal. There are some places in the islands where you can get some of the illegal species, but I do not have those connections. I know someone found a Linnie breeder simply by placing an ad or craigslist looking for one, but it was on a different island and you cannot transport unlisted species between islands.
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You know, I did have a look at the red bellies at Kalihi pet but came away undecided and then I went to Pet Hale to purchase a new cage and low and behold they had baby red bellies! But they all had deposits on them.

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out! If if they aren't restricted finding one here might be comparable to finding a needle in a haystack!
It's true :( But some of the flippers on the island might have contacts, if you are REALLY desperate for one.
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I didn't see it on the list unless I missed it. I know Kalihi pet has some out of your norm birds and parrots besides the usual conures that you see here. I suppose I could call them or pay them a visit, more than likely though they've probably never heard of such a bird before!

I don't know any flippers on the island lol though I might be desperate....haven't decided yet. I would like to have one though if I could find one...might even be easier just to move to Australia! Haha! They're an Australian grass parakeet.
It's surprising and seems kind of ironic to me that a tropical island like Hawaii really has a limited amount of species (as opposed to the mainland). When you think of Hawaii, you think of birds and parrots :).

I can see why they're strict though, because of introducing disease to the island's population. Speaking of that, MyFlock, I'd think twice about 'being desperate enough' to buy from a flipper. Birds who change through several hands (people who likely have no concern about disease) and where you don't know the bird's origins, you're taking more of a risk. My mom has a relative of the Rock Pebbler, the Princess of Wales. He was handfed, but still more of an 'aviary bird' personality. He's weary of hands, but he talks and loves to play with toys. Good luck.
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Ohh I've seen those Princess of Wales, they are very pretty! I doubt I'd buy from a flipper, not purpously anyway. I really don't think there are too many Rock Pebblers around here to even flip! There might not even be one in this whole entire state! for all I know and importing one here would be a migraine and a half.
Actually, hawaii has no native parrots, mammals, or snakes. The parrots who have established colonies here are quite destructive to agriculture and native species, including some which are endangered and found only here in Hawaii. Disease happens, but it is more the birds themselves that are an issue.

90% of bird sellers here qualify as flippers. Responsible breeders are nearly extinct. I only know of four people in the state that I would call "ethical" and one of those knows almost nothing, he just keeps his birds pretty healthy. Another is me, another is the member amjokai, and we are both of us are beginners. You would be sick at the state of aviculture here, I know I am!

My flock, Julie's cautions are correct, sadly the only breeder I know who is responsible at all who has red bellies is the man I gave you the info for. The other three breeders who are ethical, well, we don't breed that kind of thing :( I do know there was a guy on Maui with Princess of Wales though, but that was a year ago and he was getting out to focus on show pigeons (super popular here).
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I will just say that I'm not surprised. I've lived here a long time. I'm no longer surprised :(
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I guess I can always keep my eyes peeled for one but a slim to none chance that I will Ever find one. I know they have Rosellas here but they are more aviary types than even the pebblers are. If you search YouTube you will see some Rock pebbler videos, they are awesome little birds!
They're pretty. I saw one with female coloring in a super small cage in a pet shop last year. It was sad. IF you find one in Hawaii, would you be happy if it's not a real hands on type of bird? If you're really set on one, you can always move to the mainland lol, since you can find most anything here ;).
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I'm definitely fine with hands off. I'd actually prefer a more independent type bird.
The Red Bellied you were interested in is perfect. One who is used to handling from a very young age will be very hands on cuddly AND very independent! The Poicephalus family can be both ends of the spectrum.
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I think it might be too. I will have to think a little more about what I want, I do want an independent species of bird.
Yes Julie, it is very sad. and gross. MyFlock, Sometimes Pet Hale has Scarlet Chested Parakeets, I think those tend to be pretty independent I think.
I guess I can always keep my eyes peeled for one but a slim to none chance that I will Ever find one. I know they have Rosellas here but they are more aviary types than even the pebblers are. If you search YouTube you will see some Rock pebbler videos, they are awesome little birds!

Whoops, jumping in kind of late, but if you'd like I could help keep you updated on any Rosellas that might come across Petland (my friend works there) I believe they have one remaining left but Its been a few weeks since I visited..
I got to hang out with a rock pebbler parakeet almost a year ago, she was just the cutest thing. She would ferociously "play" with your fingers and loved hanging out on your arm. I didnt have any plans on taking her home, but that didnt stop me from visiting and giving her some play time every now and again ;)
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Does Petland get Rosellas in very often? Please let me know if a Rock Pebbler or Regent parakeet shows up there or anywhere! Lol
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I got to hang out with a rock pebbler parakeet almost a year ago, she was just the cutest thing. She would ferociously "play" with your fingers and loved hanging out on your arm. I didnt have any plans on taking her home, but that didnt stop me from visiting and giving her some play time every now and again ;)

Australia doesn't import those type of birds anymore. They seem to be everywhere but here though they are not too popular, I'm surprised really because they are less aviary type birds than some of the other grass parakeets. They make nice little pets, not loud, can talk sometimes and are peaceful to have around.

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