Just don't know what to do


New member
Jun 18, 2007
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Blue & Gold Macaw, Madison;
Yellow Naped Amazon, Rocky;
Timneh African Grey, Tyler
We have a serious problem here. Yesterday I was making breakfast and the news was on TV. All of a sudden I heard the most horrible noise...it was..

'High School Musical Two' ***puke***

Apparently the local news company was doing a story on it or some crap. That wasn't even the worst part, though..
When I walked by my bedroom I peeked in and there was Tyler, on the end of his door as close to the TV as possible just a bobbin' and rockin' away to the horrible sounds of those irritating Disney teens. He was eve trying to sing along.
I suppose I'll have to rent it now since he seems to like it sooo much. Darn him and his bad taste! Who knows what horrible movie will be next.
I'll tell you one thing, I don't care if he's dying theres NO WAY I'm renting the gay cowboy movie.
High School Musical Two - Run For The Hills!!!!

Maybe I'm getting old but what the heck is High School Musical Two?

Is that like a high school version of the Sound of Music if so YUCK. But hey if your bird digs it what other choice do you have but to rent it. LOL
Oh my god, Rock, don't diss Mary Poppins, she rocks!
I had thus far avoided seeing the movie but from what my young niece has told me, it's a disney movie about ridiculously attractive 'teenagers' who, for some reason, feel the need to sing terrible songs to each other about stupid nonexistant problems while attending high school. (wow that's one heck of a run-on sentence!) Probably like the Mickey mouse club on steroids. Since it's Disney, they are all wearing age appropriate clothing that never comes off. Probably a very good movie for a kid. Not a very good movie for me.
Tyler's favorite movie used to be The Little Mermaid.. I could handle that seeing as how I used to watch it 7 times a day..but this ..
Gonna put it on Netflix for him.. but I'm not happy about it! (My folks won't be either when they open the package expecting some crappy alien movie)
WHy don't you just download the soundtrack and put it on while you're gone?
What makes me mad is those kids in real life aren't even highschool age!
... Since it's Disney, they are all wearing age appropriate clothing that never comes off ...

Oh, wait, so that picture that I saw of "What's her name" (the lead female in HSM) where all her clothes were ... um, OFF wasn't Disney property?

Anyway, about music, funny story, and I wish Christy would tell this one but I am going to.

Today Christy is surfing iTunes looking for Christmas music. Mac is sitting on her finger and with every music sample she listened to he says, "What's that?" and Christy would then say the name of the song and ask if he liked it ... she would get no response from him. Finally she clicks on a Mariah Carey's version of "All I want for Christmas" and Mac says "what's that?" and Christy tells him what it is and she says, "Do you like it?" to which Mac replied "Yes!"

Christy instantly PAID FOR AND DOWNLOADED the song and Mac sang along to it ... All this from a Green-Cheek Conure ... who knew!
Aren't green cheeks supposed to be the least likly to talk, becuase Mac is getting quite a vocabulary.
Aren't green cheeks supposed to be the least likly to talk, because Mac is getting quite a vocabulary.

Ya know, that's what Christy and I keep thinking too ... Mac though is picking up a lot of words, I am going to have to try to get everything on tape ... er, video ... it's really cool to because he isn't even a year old yet.
Oh, wait, so that picture that I saw of "What's her name" (the lead female in HSM) where all her clothes were ... um, OFF wasn't Disney property?
Hmmm.. maybe the movie won't be quite as bad as I thought.

It's great that Mac is communicating like that. I've found that the more I involve Tyler in the 'busy areas' of my house, the more words he picks up and is able to use properly.

By the way.. Mariah Carey? UGH! Rocky likes her too. Must be those horrendous parrot-like notes she screeches er.. sings.

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