Kito outside. 15 weeks old.


Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
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We have been having some lovely weather over here in the UK, so took the opportunity to get the birds outside, Well Kito came out but it was still a bit chilly for Bucc who would not come out under any circumstances. Kito met the kids who live round here, but when that was getting too much for him we took him to the back garden. He was a bit unsure about flying outside but was happy to play around in the tree.


awww.. very cute! reminds me of my grey wen she never used to bite anyone!

I want to get a harness for my birds but my parents think they will contract some disease if i take them outside. Do you have any points for me to rally against that?
omg! hes grown up soo fast! he looks like Bucc now! all grown up and everything.
Well at least someone is having good weather. I'm glad for you. Kito is getting VERY big. He looks lighter than he did in the last pics you posted, probably due to the fact that there is sun.

My Aviator Harness doesn't say 'Aviator Harness' on it :(
Well in all the years I've been taking mine outside they have never caught anything. The only thing they get is fun. I think that we all go outside and then come home to cuddle our birds, there's all sorts of germs outside that we are carrying indoors, I think them going outside only does them good.

Nicole, yeah Buccs harness doesn't have aviator on it, and that one came direct from Steve Hartman Aviarys, this one came from here in the UK, and I have to say it isn't as good as Bucc's is. Its thinner and doesn't seem to be as strong. I'm gonna have to get in touch with Steve again and get one from him soon. :D
Kito is getting quite big!!! My harness also has aviator harness written on it, looks just like Kito's.
Yeah he's growing up too quickly, I had to go out today and order him his new larger cage today. Hopefully it should be here by Friday/Monday
...I'm gonna have to get in touch with Steve again and get one from him soon. :D

Peta, what is that website? I know you have posted it before, but I can't find it ... I want to get one for Ham ... wait, do they make them that small?
You would have to get the x-small for Ham. I have that one for Popsicle fits her great, plenty big!!!
I'm heading down to Steve's Aviary June 1st, so maybe I'll ask why some of them have it written on them, and some don't.

Tracy, did you order yours from the website? or buy it from a store?
Oh Nicole, you are gonna love it there, not that I've been but everyone who has, has only had brilliant things to say about it. He has some magnificent birds there, even some Hy's If no ones looking maybe you could smuggle me one or two of them out of there. :D
Hmm...try to smuggle a 3 and a half foot bird out of an aviary? I'll give it a try! :D

My dad thinks Hyacinth's are GORGEOUS and he wants to see them in person, so now it's turned into a whole family trip. 5 adults and one toddler in one hotel room? :eek: I'll be sure to load up on Tylenol.
I ordered my harness off the website. Have fun on your trip!!!!

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