Looking for baby Timneh African Grey -Illinois


New member
Dec 19, 2020
Good morning! My wife and I are looking for a baby TAG. We live in northern Illinois and are willing to drive for a reasonable deal. We’re also open for suggestions of any reputable breeders in our area. Finding that most online ads are scams. Any help is greatly appreciated!
There is a number of Pet Stores (sell Parrots), Rescue Groups, and my long time favorite Avian Medical Professional's clinics that have individuals looking to find homes for their Parrot, in the vast area of Chicago land.

FYI: The number of Parrots that are looking for homes continues to rise and there are real advantage to allowing an Adult Parrot the time to choose you! They are all about an emotional connection where humans are commonly into 'wants'! Also, the adult parrot has settle after the emotional rollercoaster ride as they transition between baby and adulthood.
Have you had a parrot before as an adult? There is a lot to know (even if you have) but I'm trying to gauge how aware you are of the situation with breeders, diseases, unweaned baby problems etc.

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