Martha - Yellow-Sided GCC - I Know What I Like, and What I Like is Carrots


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Jan 5, 2015
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Calgary, Alberta
"Albert" - Female Red Bellied Parrot - 1y3m (Oct 8th, 2014), "Martha" - Unknown Yellow-Sided GCC - 11m (Feb 13th 2015)
So yeah, we procured a gorgeous Yellow-Sided GCC today. More updates as they come. ALBERT DOESN'T KNOW YET!

Congratulations! I know you said your wife wanted a GCC, and Martha is beautiful! So colorful. Albert doesn't know yet haha.
Gorgeous bird... like a rainbow.
So the first week with Marty has been a bit up and down. Albert seems pretty non-plussed about the new bird noises, but Marty is a bit of a biter.

She already knows step-up, no, and a few other commands, however she HATES being put back into her cage. Like, I have more bites in the last week from this conure than I've ever had from Albert. She's also molting, so a nice head skritch can turn into a hissing biting whackjob snapping at my fingers in no time flat.

That said, she has many personality quirks that set her far apart from Albert. For one thing, this bird eats anything. While we've had to resort to juicing carrots and putting the concentrate in her water to get Albert vitamin A, Marty won't turn anything down. As well, she loves bathing. Albert tolerates the misting bottle, but Marty gets down and deep in her water dish and throws it everywhere, and it's super cute.

She's a huge clown just like Albert though, climbing, squawrking in her weird robot voice (stark contrast to Albert's super-sweet humanlike voice), bobbing, dancing, etc.

[ame=""]Martha - Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure - Do You Wanna Be Picked Up? (Bobbing) - YouTube[/ame]
I think this bird is possessed by demons.

[ame=""]Red-Bellied Parrot & Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure - SCREEEEEECH SCREEECH WAK WAK SCREEEEEE - YouTube[/ame]
Just catching up with this thread. Congratulations on Martha! She is truly one of the most beautiful conures I've ever seen! Wow!

Too bad about the demon possession, though. Haha!
LOL.... just wait until your other bird start imitating it. Beautiful demonic bird.
Albert has already started doing the "RAP RAP" thing that conures do as a general chatter.
My little guy does that when he's sleepy. Utter nonsense but it's cute and funny.
Pic/vid dump!


[ame=""]Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure - Poof Skritches - YouTube[/ame]

Why yes, I am getting bit on the regular, why do you ask?
sounds like her and kyo would get along great :P

congrats to you on your little demon. female gcc's are hilarious.

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