Maya and Jolly Updates...


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Dec 18, 2013
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Maya (Female Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Jolly (Male Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Bixby (Male, red-sided eclectus. RIP), Suzie (Male cockatiel. RIP)
Hey all. It's been a little while since I last updated you all on my crazy ekkies, so here are a few videos of them in action.

This first one is significant because it is literally the first time they've actually hung out on the same playstand, together. Usually, Maya would run after Jolly and he'd just fly away. But lately, he's found his inner tough guy and has begun standing up to her.... and I think she liked it. She certainly shows him more respect, now. Between spats, anyway.

Oh, and sorry about the very annoying noise in the background. I was in the process of a massive water change of my 125 gallon fish tank, and that's the sound of 3 heavy duty filters when the water goes below their operational level.

Anyhow, here's the video: [ame=""]Maya and Jolly Hanging Out... Together?!? - YouTube[/ame]

More to come next break I get in the work day!
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Thanks for sharing the videos of Maya and Jolly, they have a great setup!! Gizmo can tend to be the bully to Pebbles in our house. I especially loved watching Maya go at the toy.


Thanks, Cameron! At least Pebbles and Gizmo seem a little further along in their relationship than Maya and Jolly! Hahaha! How often do they get into it?

And yeah, it's amazing how much joy they get out of a finger trap and a roll of looseleaf! Haha!
It's great to see that Maya and Jolly hang together on the same play stand. And, I did notice that they acknowledged each other at one point! It's great progress!

Loved watching Maya destroy her toy. Whenever Baxter seems to be really into one of his toys, I get a very satisfied feeling because I think he is content and possibly even having fun!

Thanks for sharing the videos!
Thank you, Shauna! Yes, there is definite progress. Though it has been slow going. (Likely due, in no small part, to how overprotective I tend to be. Swooping in immediately at the first sign of a fuss or squabble. Lol!)

And I feel the same way about watching them destroy their toys. There's no mistaking the absolute relish with which they attack them. I love providing things that give them such joy.
I've also been working on the immediacy of Jolly's flight recall. He came to me largely recall trained already, as Laura (Labell) had done a wonderful job with his flight training overall, but there were times that he would respond once he "got around to it." Hahaha!

As you all know, however, situations could conceivably arise wherein more urgency is required. So I decided to work on that.

Also, I've been working on his stay put training as well... as Jolly's impulse control in that regard was virtually non-existent. Lol!

So this video shows his progress. It takes place right after I held up my hand and told him to wait, then walked up the stairs and sat down. He didn't make a move toward me until I lifted my forearm, inviting him over.
[ame=""]Jolly Flight and Recall Training - YouTube[/ame]

By the time I had started saying his name, my resident speedster was already a quarter of the way to me! Hahaha! But I'm so proud of him!
That's so awesome Stephen!! You've done great with both of them and I'm so glad they are starting to tolerate each other.

They are both gorgeous!
Thank you, K1! That video of them together was taken on impulse, as I was so surprised to see it happen! Gives me hope that they may become closer yet.
Great job, Stephen and Jolly!

I don't know why, but I'm always surprised when I find that the training I'm doing is working! LOL.
Usually, Maya would run after Jolly and he'd just fly away. But lately, he's found his inner tough guy and has begun standing up to her.... and I think she liked it.

Hahaha she liked seeing that "other" side of Jolly for once :D. Beautiful birds Stephen, thanks for sharing the update!
GreatBlue320 said:
Great job, Stephen and Jolly!

I don't know why, but I'm always surprised when I find that the training I'm doing is working! LOL.

Hahahahahaha! Yes, I often feel the same way. There's never a time when I nod knowingly in the wake of a training victory, secure in my knowledge that my training method was a guaranteed success. Each parrot is just so different, so unique, that every win feels almost as unexpected as the first.
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You're most welcome, Lady Jules! Hahaha! Yes, and she sees that side of Jolly quite often, now. Mister Jay is asserting himself quite nicely. Lol!
Thanks, Cameron! At least Pebbles and Gizmo seem a little further along in their relationship than Maya and Jolly! Hahaha! How often do they get into it?

And yeah, it's amazing how much joy they get out of a finger trap and a roll of looseleaf! Haha!

If I didn't police it, it would be every day, but every other day anyway (can't watch them every second. It's all very light roughhouse stuff, so it doesn't concern me too much, but I am fairly strict on stopping it, as I worry if I don't, things could escalate.

Gizmo is almost always the instigator unless food is involved, then Pebbles will push in and ultimately stand her ground if They do really like to be together, but Gizmo has a switch, you can see it in his eyes, literally, things will be fine and then all of a sudden he squints (it's not pinning, it's the eye lid shape that changes, I've never seen this in Pebbles, Pebbles pins, but her eye lids do not change), as soon as I see that I'm ready to step in, usually I will just say "Gizmo" in a disapproving tone and he snaps back, if not distraction works.

If I miss the initial signs, it's only some break boxing, Gizmo might try to sneak for a toe (my biggest worry, although he does not seem to bite just a grab), or he will try to get a tail feather as Pebbles moves away, again though it's just a grab, if anything it would all be amusing if I wasn't worried about it progressing.

Usually Pebbles will just fly away At the first signs. The silly thing is, even after that, if I put Gizmo in time out, Pebbles will want to fly back to his cage and interact with him "your not helping Pebbles":rolleyes: I have to lock her in the other room with me (I think she thinks she is missing out on something.

Mostly it seems to be a case of either Gizmo wanting the toy, so he bullies Pebbles away, or trying to interact with Pebbles, but not knowing what to do (a school romance). Gizmo will get into her personal space, and she steps back, they kiss beaks or share a toy or a piece of food, but then Gizmo has to take it a step further and continue to invade Pebbles space, before you know it, it's beaks at 10 paces. If Pebbles flies off, generally Gizmo will follow and land far enough away to give her the personal space.

The few times I have not gotten to them, and Pebbles has not flown away, things have ended with Gizmo backing off, generally after Pebbles has a go back at him. As he backs off he says "NO", it takes all my energy not to laugh.

Hopefully I've been handling this situation the right way, I do keep meaning to ask?


Cameron, you have GOT to get a pic of Gizmo's squinty eye! Hahaha!

And I love how he says "No!" once Pebbles flexes a little on him. Hilarity!

They seem to have a similar dynamic to Maya and Jolly, but with the roles reversed. And as for stopping their fights once they've started, I usually have to stick my hand between their beaks and physically separate them. (Fortunately for me, both of my lovely ekkies are very careful not to turn my hand into confetti!)
Wonderful Stephen! #teamtoomuchcuteness
Hahaha! Thank you, Chris!
Here's a Maya video from the other day. It had been a while since we'd worked on her turning on command, and it turns out she needed a back to basics refresher. (Hence my finger so close as I guide the turn.)

But two things stand out for me in this video. For one, you all get to see how crafty she can be. When I give her the treat, watch how she pretends to have trouble getting it into her beak so that she can try and grab onto a finger and jump up on my hand! Hahaha! She's a sweetheart, but it was training time, not cuddle time.

And the other thing was the surprise guest who'd decided that he'd waited quite long enough for his turn. Lol!
[ame=""]Maya Turn Training 1 - YouTube[/ame]
Stephen, what fabulous videos!!!!! And their playstand is amazing:)
Great to see them on it at the same time!
What a great job you are doing with both of them:)
Thank you, Terr!

I actually have a lot of work to do on those stands, as they've been on a real beaver kick, lately! Chewing up wooden blocks like there's no tomorrow! Hahaha! So there's lots of toy-making ahead of me this weekend.

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