Minor Beak Injury in a bad Spot!


New member
Aug 30, 2015
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Last night I left my parrot on top of the cage while I was in the room, which I never had problem with, but this time I left a window open (it has a net so he won't fly out) but some idiot drove by with a really loud muffler, and scared my bird. He normally isn't bothered by loud noises but this time he got spooked and flew outside of the room in to a pitch black living room, and he hit something.

He has had accidents similar like that when he was learning to fly, but this time when I put him in the cage I found his blood on my hand, I initially freaked out, he is very tame when I handle him, I opened his beak, used paper towel to clean out blood, the beak stopped bleeding in about a minute if not less. There were not a whole lot of blood.

After I cleaned it, there is a small piece/lair broke off right on the tip. the problem now is that anytime he tries to bite something and he slightly touches tip of his beak it hurts. If I touch the beak it self outside and inside with the swab he is not bothered by that but only the tip. He wouldn't eat anything a whole day, but I decided to hand feed him now, I figured that he should feel better now, It was initially hard to put food in his mouth because it would hurt but after I was "teaching" him to not use the tip of the beak he caught on to it and was just opening his mouth while I was putting food in between beaks so when he closes his mouth the food wouldn't touch the tip. He's eating that way without a problem.

I know it hasn't been a day yet but Is this something I should be concerned about? How fast should I expect it to heal and for him not to feel pain when he's eating? and is there something I can get for his pain to temporarily go away.
ON one side I"m thinking he shouldn't use the tip of his beak because it may get infected but I'm not a vet so I don't even know if it can get infected.
I couldn't find a crack, just seems like a small lair separated and happened to be too close to a capillary/vain not sure how it works there.
I would get him in for a checkup at the vet, see if there is anything they can give him to help the healing process. I had a similar thing happen to a budgie and he recovered just fine.
I would definitely take him to the vet. Their beak is such a vital body part. They use it to climb, grasp and most especially - to eat. In the meantime, I'd monitor his eating, make sure he is and also keep an eye on the injury as well. But again, a vet visit asap is what I would suggest.

I'm sure it will all work out.

A few years ago, my cockatiel Peaches, had a nightfright. Quite common among 'tiels. But she happened to hit the underside of her wing on something and punctured it badly. I took her to the local animal ER and they clotted the wound and cleaned it. The following day, my vet had me put her on anti-biotics to prevent infection. It took a couple of weeks, but she healed completely.
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You should take him to the vet. A bird with a damaged beak has the risk of an infection (which can be fatal). the vet can give you antibiotics for him and will be able to properly asses the damage to his beak. Anyway i really hjope he gets better soon. :D
I agree with all that has been said. The risk of infection is real, so taking him to the vet is your best option.

Please keep us updated on how he's doing.

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