My chinchillas


New member
Jan 25, 2013
New Orleans, LA
2 Peach-faced lovebirds (1 SeaGreen)
Thought I would introduce you all to my six lovely chinchilla girls!! Let me start off by saying that if anyone wants to research chins as pets, I have a website just for that purpose, :)

I got my first chinchilla Sally (Princess Sally Acorn of Knothole Village) in January of 2006. We'd had hamsters for years, and although I loved having "pocket pets", their 2-3 year lifespan was depressing, so we looked around for a longer-lived pet and found chinchillas!!

This is Sally:

She's a standard grey, and SUCH a sweetie! She loves to give me whisker kisses before bed.

Sally seemed lonesome, so a few weeks after we got her, I bought a larger cage and went back to the pet shop for the other girl that Sally had been caged with.

This is Amy Rose. She's a silver (mosaic).

Amy is a STINKER. I had a hard time keeping one step ahead of her, she gets into everything!! I always like to joke that if I'd gotten Amy first, she'd be my only chin. Good thing she's pretty, lol.

Six months later, in November of 2006, a friend of mine in upstate NY was looking for a male pink/white chinchilla, and I went through a bunch of online listings to help her find one. I ran across an ad for a pink/white GIRL, born at a rescue in AL, driving distance for me!! My hubby said she could be my Christmas present, and she's the best present I ever got.

This is Tami, my heart outside of my body:

I tried getting the 3 of them to live together, but Tami and Amy HATED each other on sight (still do!) so eventually I started looking around for a young chin that I knew I could bond to Tami, who by this time was over a year old.

I found a breeder in MS who had a violet baby for sale, so I brought Evie home to be a cagemate to Tami.


Evie was a darling little angel, but unfortunately, when she was only a year and a half old, we found out she had maloclussion. I spent the next two years bringing her in for teeth trimmings, and handfeeding her with a syringe, until things got so bad we had to have her PTS, which completely broke my heart. :(

While all this was going on with Evie, I adopted a Black Velvet girl from the Canadian Chinchilla Rescue in Toronto. Seven wonderful friends from my chin forum volunteered to "railroad" her all the way down the east coast to FL, where I picked her up.

This is Patty McFatty, and she is just the most friendly chinchilla EVER.

My thinking was that when Evie's time came, I could pair up Tami and Patty, but unfortunately Tami also hated Patty on sight, lol. (Tami is a bit of a diva.)

I arranged for another railroad and adopted another girl from the CCR a year later. She's a homo beige girl named Phoebe.


Phoebe had been at the CCR for over a year, so I took her. She's a darling, but she doesn't want to live with Patty either, so she and Patty are my two "single" girls.

After we lost Evie, Tami went into a decline, and I knew I had to find another "baby" that she would accept as a cagemate. My hubby said "This is your LAST one, so get the one you REALLY want." So I asked my breeder friend in Canada if she would reserve her next Lowe Recessive White girl for me, and she did!!

Railroads are not an option for me anymore, because I now have a 2 year old who doesn't like long car rides, so we had Ruby flown in and picked her up at the airport. It worked out pretty well, she only had 6 hours of "travel time" and she was the only animal on both flights. The guys at the airport had NO idea what she was, lol.

Here's my new baby Ruby:

Pics don't do her justice, her coloring is sort of a toasted marshmellow look.

I have two pairs and two singles, and they all live in Ferret Nation cages with loads of goodies, and they all get playtime every single night.



New member
Jan 28, 2012
Rotonda West , Fla
yellow sided green cheek conure,Chiquita Quaker parrot Sweetie Pie, African red bellied parrot Tiki, spanish timbrado canary Lucas
OMG they are all so cute but I like Patty Mac Fatty the best. I am going to read the link .I've never owned one before. The p ics are soft fur overloaded cuteness. Thanks for sharing:)


New member
Jan 28, 2012
Rotonda West , Fla
yellow sided green cheek conure,Chiquita Quaker parrot Sweetie Pie, African red bellied parrot Tiki, spanish timbrado canary Lucas
Just read the link and since I have asthma I guess no chin for me. In my next lifetime:D. Reading the link most of it sounds the same as for a parrot, getting to know them, keeping them out of trouble, bonding with them, introducing them to each other. etc Very well written


New member
Jan 25, 2013
New Orleans, LA
2 Peach-faced lovebirds (1 SeaGreen)
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Yep, a lot of it is the same. We use bird toy sites for supplies, and most avian vets treat other exotics as well! They need out of the cage time daily, like birds, and they thrive with proper care and loads of attention.
I never knew I had asthma till I got chins. One brand of their bathing dust triggers it for me, and I can't use that one.
Interesting side note, I just THOUGHT my chins were messy until I got birds! :eek:


New member
Jan 28, 2012
Rotonda West , Fla
yellow sided green cheek conure,Chiquita Quaker parrot Sweetie Pie, African red bellied parrot Tiki, spanish timbrado canary Lucas
Our daughter has 2 sugar gliders and they are adorable and much easier to care for and very soft and cuddly:)


New member
Jan 4, 2012
USA Georgia
Sugar the Blue Crown Conure♂, Merlin the Camelot Macaw♂
they are gorgeous!! I have two girls myself :) but I dont give plastic in their cages cause if they eat it its very toxic and they can die!


New member
Jul 20, 2012
Oh my softness!!!! They are ALL so unbelievably adorable and cute!!! I just want to snuggle with each and every one of them.!!! I know how super super soft they are.....AWWWW!!!!! :D Thanks for sharing your girls with us!!!


New member
Jan 25, 2013
New Orleans, LA
2 Peach-faced lovebirds (1 SeaGreen)
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Yes, they are super, super soft!! They have the most dense fur of all animals, with over 300 hairs per follicle!! That's why they are prized for their fur, unfortunately... :(

Only a few of mine are snugglers, lol. The others are more like cats, they will "allow" some interaction, if they feel like it. :p

Marcia, there's no plastic in any of my cages, either. It's not the toxicity so much as the issue of impaction if they eat it. :)


New member
Aug 23, 2012
Long island
Pepsi and sprite, both are American male budgies
They are adorable ! One day when I get my own house i WILL get chinchillas ! They are like mega sized hamsters lol.


New member
Oct 13, 2012
Guelph Ontario
1 red bellied parrot (Mango), 3 cockatiels (Bugsie, Alfie, and Bananas)
I have a chin named Gidget, she is all attitude and fluff. She loves to have her arm pits scratched and try to eat my furniture. I got her from a rescue in Toronto after my first chin Gizmo died of cancer. I found him at an exotic animal auction. I was looking for ponies for my riding program, but the whole place was absolutely horrendous. I was getting ready to leave when I saw him in the corner. He hadnt gone through the auction yet and they were asking $100 for him. He was missing an eye and had a cleft lip. h
He had no water and no food. It was incredibly hot there and he was directly in the sun. I went over to move him into the shade and ask about who owned him to see about getting him some water. A guy came over to me and asked me if I was buying him. I said I was not, but that I wanted to get him some water and food. He was relieved and told me he wanted to buy him out of the auction as he would probably go cheap due to his poor condition. He then went on to explain that he wanted the chinchilla for target practice, because they bounce and scurry. I distinctly remember him saying "if you can hit one of those little Bast@$%s you can hit anything." I just picked up his cage, and bought him directly. I knew nothing about chins, I intended to rehome him somewhere safe, but fell in love pretty much immediately. Gizmo came with me to University and he was a great friend. He was very small, and unfortunately we could not do anything for him when he developed cancer. Several weeks after he passed away I was still crying about it, so Dave suggest we adopt a chin from a local rescue. She couldnt possibly get any cuter.


New member
Jan 20, 2012
Crimson Bellied Conure (Penny), Maximillian Pionus (Piper), Lovebird (Poco)
Your chins are all wonderful! I have two male chins and they are definitely fun little guys. I love your cage setups, by the way! I am looking into getting a Ferret Nation cage for mine in the near future. Currently, I have one Quality Cage townhome and one cage that is a bit smaller, but I'm wanting a FN so I can save floor space in my bedroom.


New member
Aug 24, 2011
African Greg
2 cockatiels
I love Amy rose the most for looks alone, so pretty! When I worked at Petsmart I loved touching them. Unfortunately they don't come from good environments as they are mass breed for the pet trade :(

I was told that sea otters have the most dense fur, when I let a sea otter pelt at a aquarium it felt much denser than a chinchillas.


New member
Jan 25, 2013
New Orleans, LA
2 Peach-faced lovebirds (1 SeaGreen)
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Ah, I have never felt a sea otter! o_O You could be right, considering they are also waterproof, lol. Perhaps the chin is just the most dense fur that is used in "coats". :(

Marcia, as to the wheels, I have two Chin Spins from Quality Cage, a Flying Saucer from Quality Cage, and a Grape Escape from

Megan, I've heard stories similar to yours from others in Canada, finding chins at outdoor animal "auctions". What horrendous conditions! :( You must have gotten Gidget from Tanya Campbell at the CCR, right? That's where Patty and Phoebe both came from as well! Ruby is from Christiane Michaud at Saphires Chinchillas in Montreal. I have 3 American and 3 Canadian chinchillas, lol.

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