Need advice about starting with rainbow lory


New member
May 15, 2019
Hello everyone!
I want to get a rainbow lory and needs some advice...
In a shop here in the Netherlands I found a 6 month old bird. The shop got it from a private home because they had a couple of lories that were very aggressive to him. My plan is to prepare now a room for him and get him a partner soon after. That is what I need help with. Can you tell me if my plan is sound or what I should improve on ?

We have an empty room for the bird about 6,5 m x 5,5 m wide and 4 m high. it is the roof room. In summer it might get warm there. We want to put dead trees in there for hopping around on and not put him in a cage. The windows are covered with a stainless steel net. The floor is tiled and the walls we want to paint with waterproof paint.( sorry for my English, I am German).
We hang and span ropes and swings for him and toys. in the garden he could spend time in an aviary for about 2 hours daily ( is this enough time?) Is it ok for him to walk on the soil and grass ? We have about 6 hours time for the bird. After he gets used to us we would get a partner. Do you think I should wait a few month or get two from the start. (He was pretty traumatized from the other birds). Do you think the bird would be happy with us or what should I change.
Thank you in advance for any comments.
Hello ennovy and welcome to the forum! Thank you for taking this little one into your care.

First do not apologise for your English EVER! It’s better than most Aussies I know :)

Second, your proposed set up for your lorikeet sounds great, but you may wish to consider getting a cage for the bird’s safety if nothing else. I don’t know if you have had experience with other parrots, but lorikeets are quite different. My little Lilly Pilly gets into everything and I would never leave her unsupervised. She has a stainless steel cage because she actually picked off the powder coating on her original (brand new!) one. Lorikeets are completely totally and utterly hyperactive so your overall set up sounds terrific however if you’re still working I’d recommend a nice big cage so you don’t have to worry about what birdie might be doing when you’re not there to watch him. Lilly also likes to pop herself into her cage at bedtime, I think it gives her a sense of security.

As for getting him a partner I’d be cautious. If he’s been bullied before it may be he’s got the kind of personality that makes him prone to being bullied again.

It never ceases to amaze me how our little Aussie birds end up in such far flung places. Enjoy the adventure with your new baby. He may turn out to be calm and placid and unlike your regular lorikeet but something tells me you’re in for a wild ride!
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Hello LaManuka!

Thank you very much for your warm welcome, reply and advice and the compliment :) !

I think I´ll get a cage then ... (but I work from home so it`s for sleeping as you recommended.)

I once traveled a few month in Australia and was fascinated about the amazing wildlife there. Even when shopping in a supermarket little Lories were everywhere. The shopkeeper said this bird kind of got bullied because he was a baby and they put him in a cage with a couple of grown ups. At least I hope he does not have this personality ... I really want him to have a partner but I guess it will be tricky. Do you think if I bring him to a breeder and let him choose a partner it could work ? If he turns out to be hyperactive we do not really mind. I just want him to be happy! Today I get him the trees.

Thanks again for your advice. Have a great day!
You’re most welcome ennovy, us lorikeet custodians are rare on the Forum!

Yes we have massive flocks of them here in Brisbane - I just got home from work and there’s a stand of trees at the bus depot that I transit through and there are SO MANY LORIKEETS all screeching and roosting there at sunset - you need an umbrella to walk under those trees if you know what I mean!

I’m happy to help you with any enquiry you may have, just don’t ask me about training and/or discipline because Lilly Pilly has neither! Actually none of my guys do to be honest, I wouldn’t even know where to start. My household just revolves around whatever insanity Lilly is up to! She is either into everything and zooming around the house at 1000mph or she is asleep. I’ve had two purple crowned lorikeets in my life and they’ve both been nuts! But she’s an angelic little thing when she’s cuddling up having her head scratched :)

As far as companions are concerned, other than whether they’d get on together or not, the other issue is you may end up with a lorikeet of the opposite gender which may lead to babies and that is a whole 'nother story! That’s why I have 3 different species so no breeding worries. Lilly terrorises the other two, even though they’re bigger than her. If you work from home I think you’ll be enough company for your lori. But you may not get much work done!!

Anyway keep us posted when baby arrives, let us know his name and post some pics. I’m looking forward to hearing your stories :)
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Hello Lamanuka,that sounds like so much fun! I am very happy I found someone here that can give advice when I need some :)
I am so looking forward to the energetic little thing. So far training is not far up on my to do list. I have 2 bunnies and even they dominate me and usually just do what they want :).
Have a great day and thanks again!

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