new budgie owner questions


New member
Jun 24, 2015
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hannibal ny
one budgie about 4 months. her name is lucy
hello, so im a new owner and very very worried/nervous about everything my lucy does or doesnt do from all the conflicting information on the internet. so my question now is--- how do i know if my budgie just ate paper. i put paper in for her to shred (first time) and i was not seeing paper fall to bottom of cage. then i took it out and it looked like she was trying to throw up. she did this on and off for a few seconds then stopped. she took unsweetened applesauce from my finger and seems fine now. is it possible she ate it and if so will it get pooped out .:greenyellow:
Normally, birds don't ingest these things on purpose. When shredding a toy, it's possible that a 'small' amount of material can accidentally get ingested, but I doubt she literally
"ate" it. Even if she did eat a little bit of paper, I would think paper just turns to mush and has no risk of getting caught.

As far as trying to throw up, without seeing a video, we can only guess that it was maybe a yawn, or behavioral regurgitation as a courtship gesture, or maybe even adjusting the crop. Any more questions, feel free to ask!
thank you so so much. i feel better knowing she's not eating it. today she tried to shred the paper on bottom for a second but she seemed fine so its just worry wort mommy over here. lol. can not wait for her to let me record her and all the silly things she is learning. today she actually played with some of her small toys and i think i was more excited. so whats the opinion of only owning one bird. i know budgies are flock birds, but i am with her all day every day and only have to leave her for 1 hr mon thru friday, which i put the radio on for her. should i get her a buddy? or is she fine with me being her friend :greenyellow:
My first budgie was when I was in college, a loooong time ago. A single budgie and me. We were extremely bonded. I could take that bird anywhere. Flitter was unclipped and would fly and return. The park, in the car, bars, he went everywhere with me free as can be. When he got tired he went in my pocket. He wasn't afraid of anyone. Very friendly little pal. I still miss that bird.

I think that kind of relationship is much easier with a single birds.

Oh, he looked exactly like your Lucy. :)
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Lucysmom, I'd keep working on your bond with her before getting another one. If Lucy is already tame to the point of being bonded with you, you can get another budgie and she should still remain friends with you also. If your bond isn't very well established, she can easily bond to another bird, and forget all about YOU. Training might also take longer if she has a bird friend, and might not be as interested in learning. It's hard to say exactly how it will happen though, since some also depends on individual personality.

I think budgies are a species who really love a flock, but there are many people who have a single budgie who is a tame little friend. Many have the aptitude to learn tricks like a parrot too. They're very smart. I do think that most usually, super tame human bonded budgies are single birds.

Wow Aandeg! I loved the story of Flitter :). I'd be such a worry wart over such a small delicate little thing, but the fact that he DID go literally everywhere with you and never got hurt or worse, and flew freely to and from you, that makes it an incredible story... an incredibly wonderful thing to imagine :D
I have a single bird, and i wont be getting another one anytime soon. He is my first bird and i want to make sure i do everything right with him before adding to the flock. I think that he gets enough time talking to the birds outside that he is okay. My fiance tells me there is even a crow that comes to visit and taps on the bedroom window then they scream back and forth. Pumpkin and i are already very bonded, but id still worry about bringing in another bird friend for a few reasons: What if he likes the other bird more? What if he HATES the new bird and they cant be out of the cages at the same time? What if he is jealous of the new bird? What if there is a fight? There are a lot of things to consider before bringing home a new bird. Im not saying it is a bad idea, just make sure you think it through. My mom has budgies that are not tame and she can add to her flock with no problems, im not sure if that would be such an easy transition with a tame bird in mind?
thanks everyone for your advice. i think at this time i will just work with my lucy girl and see what may happen down the road. i hope some day i have the bond with lucy so i can take everywhere with me. i can not express how greatful i am to all the awesome advice .this morning lucy not real silly but she had a very very playful day yesterday, she even put herself to bed. going out later to get her some kale to try and some toys.
Lucysmom, it sounds like you are getting off to a great start with Lucy! I agree with everyone else, I think Lucy will be very happy being an only bird, if you decide later to add to your flock, you and Lucy will already have a strong bond.

Aandeg, thank you for sharing your story of Flitter, he must have been a wonderful companion.

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