New Green cheek conure is scared of my hands


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Aug 27, 2015
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I bought my 5 month old green cheeked conure about 3 days ago (Raised hand fed) and so far he/She seems to already be very comfortable with me and his/her environment. When I open his cage in the morning he comes right out and perches himself on top of his cage. I'll put his little playground right next to his cage so he can climb over to it and play on it (Which he does). The only problem is I would LOVE to handle him and teach him to step up but he is so afraid of my hand. Every time I put my finger by his feet and tell him to step up he just freezes there and stares at my finger. And if I push my finger against his lower abdominal section lightly he'll lightly bite my finger. How do I earn his trust to handle him? He stepped up onto a handler at the pet store I bought him from no problem he even stepped up onto my finger at the store. I can tell he wants to interact with me he'll sit up on his cage look at me and look vary anxious by bobbing his head looking up and down and he'll even fly off and land at my feet (Although he almost immediately walks back to his cage after landing) Any suggestions?? Thanks a lot!
Have any lil treats you know he is nuts over? If so..try baiting him to come to your hand with one... and try offering a whole hand instead of just a finger... dont be too pushy.. Allow him to say "no" (which is what he is saying). And be careful what you wish for. Once they bond with you its hard to peel them off ya. Hopefully his wings are not clipped? Another thought..when he does end up on the floor he might step up from there quicker than from his cage (to begin with). For treats I use walnut/pecan/peanut pieces.. and i have used small pieces of vanilla wafer..but sparingly.
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Find a treat that he loves (a treat that lots of parrots love is millet spray). then while petting him give him the treat at the same time. doing This will distract him enough to let you pet him. After a while he will probably let you pet him. Good luck. :D :41:

Btw almonds are another good treat that birds love, just don't give him to many as they are very fattening.

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