New member
G'day all
I've been lurking for a little while but thought it was time to say hi.
A couple of weeks before Christmas 2020, I literally found this fella right outside our front door (I've just been assuming it's a "he")
I went outside and he didn't fly away. As it turned out, he couldn't fly and was pretty easy to catch. So, I am assuming he was a young'ish fledgling. Living where we do, he would have been cat or fox bait within a day.
We have plenty of cockies around here and they've come back in big numbers after the bushfires in late 2019. There were probably 4 or 500 galahs, corellas and sulphur crested cockatoos flocking around a few weeks ago.
While we have a gum tree in our front yard, he didn't come from it as there are no hollows in this tree; even to the point where we've put breeding boxes in the tree for the rosellas.
We've had him five or so weeks and things are going swimmingly so far (I hope it's not famous last words). He's eager for a scratch on the head, to the point he'll drop a treat, duck his head and push it into my hand. I know that could change but so far so good.
I've had him out of the cage and he'll wonder around the floor; and he's not keen on trying to fly.
So, say hi to Nigel
Some of his flight and tail feathers have come out pretty easily and I've been a little concerned about PBFD but our local vet said possible but not likely.
Otherwise he's pretty healthy and happy. Eats sunflower mix, pellets, green apples (not red ones) and loves broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage leaves.
I've had a galah in a previous life, so this one doesn't scare me too much. He's noisy in the morning and late afternoon - just like all the other birds around her. No biggy.
Anyway, here to learn and share.
I've been lurking for a little while but thought it was time to say hi.
A couple of weeks before Christmas 2020, I literally found this fella right outside our front door (I've just been assuming it's a "he")

I went outside and he didn't fly away. As it turned out, he couldn't fly and was pretty easy to catch. So, I am assuming he was a young'ish fledgling. Living where we do, he would have been cat or fox bait within a day.
We have plenty of cockies around here and they've come back in big numbers after the bushfires in late 2019. There were probably 4 or 500 galahs, corellas and sulphur crested cockatoos flocking around a few weeks ago.
While we have a gum tree in our front yard, he didn't come from it as there are no hollows in this tree; even to the point where we've put breeding boxes in the tree for the rosellas.
We've had him five or so weeks and things are going swimmingly so far (I hope it's not famous last words). He's eager for a scratch on the head, to the point he'll drop a treat, duck his head and push it into my hand. I know that could change but so far so good.
I've had him out of the cage and he'll wonder around the floor; and he's not keen on trying to fly.
So, say hi to Nigel

Some of his flight and tail feathers have come out pretty easily and I've been a little concerned about PBFD but our local vet said possible but not likely.
Otherwise he's pretty healthy and happy. Eats sunflower mix, pellets, green apples (not red ones) and loves broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage leaves.
I've had a galah in a previous life, so this one doesn't scare me too much. He's noisy in the morning and late afternoon - just like all the other birds around her. No biggy.
Anyway, here to learn and share.