New pics of Corky


New member
Sep 29, 2013

He still wants to eat me and will actively run over to bite if I'm near his cage, but he really seems to be doing well with my partner.
Look at those eyes! You can't deny the intelligence behind them!

Hey, at least he likes someone ;). Hopefully he'll warm up to you too.
K1, I do believe it's time to commence operation bribery! Lol!

I know these guys can tend toward being one person birds, but I'm hoping he'll see the light and show you some love, too. Maybe Zoe can put in a good word for you?

He's a beautiful bird, and Julie's right about the intelligence in his eyes.
Corky looks like a troublemaker. You can see it in those eyes! He's a very handsome boy though, and I'm glad he's starting to bond with your partner. Hopefully, he'll warm up to you too soon enough (if not, you still have that oh-so-cuddly Zoe!).
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Between Zoe and the sennies I've got plenty to keep me entertained if we never come to terms. I still enjoy all those "grey" noises and he will take treats from me if he deems them good enough, otherwise he throws them to the dogs :)
Great photos of the handsome Corky!

I hope he changes his mind and starts seeing you as a friend instead of lunch, Karen. Hopefully he's noticing how much the other birds love you.
Corky is stunning! Not only an intelligent pair of eyes, but a face full,of personality!
Great pictures!

You're right, the grey noises can be entertaining enough!
Corky looks like he would like you to come juuust a little closer...
I am so glad that he and Karen are bonding, and hopefully he will come to love you too (how could he not?)
Between Zoe and the sennies I've got plenty to keep me entertained if we never come to terms. I still enjoy all those "grey" noises and he will take treats from me if he deems them good enough, otherwise he throws them to the dogs :)

That sounds like a CAG...

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