New to the world of parrot ownership


New member
Jul 18, 2015
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New Jersey
Dexter, SI Eclectus
Hi! My name is Michelle and I'm a new parrot owner. My baby is a young, male Eclectus named Dexter. He's almost 4 months old and has been home with us for 3 weeks, having been hand-raised and weaned by an experienced breeder. We went to visit him a few times while he was still at the aviary in order to ease his transition into our family home.

I've been researching the topic for a long time, entered into the world of parrots with much thought and take my responsibility as a parrot owner quite seriously, but I may be guilty of asking some ignorant questions or displaying my newbie-ness often. Please be kind!

I look forward to scouring the archives and picking all of the collective brains on this forum.
Welcome, you will find a wealth of help here! And a boatload of very nice folks!
Hello Michelle and welcome! I'm so glad you and Dexter joined us. I have a YCA named Dexter, and an ekkie name Ekko:)
Please feel free to ask away, there are no ignorant questions:)
I'd love to see pictures!
Hey Michelle, Welcome to the forum! Congratulations on being owned by a young Ekkie. You came to the right place. Ask all your questions, we have a great group of Ekkie parronts willing to share their knowledge!

I'd love to see pics of baby Dexter.
Welcome to Parrot Forums, Michelle! We look forward to helping you out with any questions you might have.

I too have eclectus parrots, one male and one female, named Jolly and Maya. Ekkies are are a joy, aren't they?

And yes, I'd like to add my voice to those calling for pics! Bring forth young Dex!
Welcome to the forum. :)
Hi and welcome. Beautiful birds. Good choice. I had the privalidge to take tempory care of rescue one, so sweet. Good to hear you choose a reputable breeder and are doing your homework.
Welcome to the forum!
Hello and welcome to the forum! There are no ignorant questions, so please be sure to ask any questions you may have. We were all new at this at one time, too! ;)

Would love to see pics of your baby! :)
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. I'm a teacher (preschool) so I'm off work for the summer and will probably have lots of free time to browse and question you all until your eyes roll back and your fingers ache :D.

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