

New member
Nov 28, 2009
Corky, 15 yo Congo African Grey Male
I have a 15 yo male CAG, handfed, tame and, as most are, a one woman bird, me! I need some feedback. A man wants to breed his female to my bird. I have stipulated that it can't be for resale reasons but apart from that what do you guys think it will do to my guy. Any experience in this area? With pet birds that is not breeders.

I would like to do this for him, you know, poor guy

1. Will he adjust when she goes home? or scream for her all day everyday!?
2. How often do they breed? once a year at breeding season or will he pine
for more when she is not there?
3. Will he or she get hurt? :confused:
Why does he want to breed them? Why would you want to? This does not sound like a good idea to me.

1) First you should be asking if he will adjust to HER. Even if they don't attack each other violently you can't just put two birds together for a few days and expect them to breed. If they do there is a good chance you will have lost your pet and you will have a happy breeding pair in his place. COULD he bond with her, do the deed, then adjust back when she is gone... it's possible, but so is winning the lottery. At least when I buy a lottery ticket there is a chance of getting something good out of it. What would be the purpose here?

2) Parrots breed (nearly) for life. The ACT of breeding can happen any time, but mainly in summer months.

3) Physically, it is possible. They may just attack each other outright. Emotionally ... well really no way to know.

There are SO SO SO many things that could go wrong here, and even if everything went perfectly "right" you'd have a clutch of fertilized eggs in inexperienced hands which may not survive till hatching, or perhaps not long after that.

So... I don't wish to sound rude, but why on earth would you WANT to do this?
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Well, let's not jump to conclusions Ha Ha - I realize they are not dogs I've been in the parrot world long enough to know this, but that is why I'm asking for opinions and the reason I would WANT to do this is for my grey I've thought for a few years now he would be happy with another grey. I wasn't aware that greys "attack" each other, that's more info I could use if you speak from experience?? I don't know yet if this guy is an experienced bird man or not and that is certainly a requirement; and I'm assuming he wants a second bird and this is his idea how to get one. I'm waiting to hear back from my niece about this guy.

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