Oh geez,Doodle...REALLY!!


New member
Nov 25, 2014
GCC >Doodle

Me, Smokey and Doodle hanging out wathing TV when Doodle started making a sound I hadn't heard before. I looked at her to doing THAT to her cage cover! :eek:

I guess she didn't like the movie! Is this why she's been so LOUD latly and nippy!

Lord, Doodle, get a ROOM!!

(Still need practice with pix posting.)
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Yeah...been trying to get this issue resolved....guess I'll go to the test forum....

I guess by the post what Doodle was doing ...tail up....on her belly....yadda yadda yadda!
It's normal.

Conures do that a lot, actually.
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Thanks, Mark....that just came outta the blue. I was thinking ...really, with the cage cover?!
She tried that on me...I just put her back on her house.
If you can't see the photo, simply copy the link minus the and [/img tags. OP accidentally forgot to close their tag. For convenience here is the image (mods - if she gets it working you can feel free to take it down from my post, not my birdie after all!):


Anyways, what exactly it she doing? Is she, dare I say, THAT bored? LOL

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