Parrots and pellets/seeds


New member
Jul 12, 2013
Mid South
Blue Front Amazon
If a parrot, in this case a BFA, (with FLD) is eating a enough vegetables, fruits and whole grains, can pellets /formulated diet (Nutriberries, Avicakes), be discontinued altogether? This is what makes the most sense to me, but I was told he needed to keep eating formulated diet for dinner, to get protein. I would like to STOP all seed related foods, but am afraid I am taking some nutrient from him he cant live w/o. On a different thread, here, someone recommend I feed him a half walnut daily. Is this enough seeds/nuts?
Also, I ordered the Aloe detox Liliy o/t Desert, it will be here tomorrow, how do I administrator, and how often? The walnuts and will be here Tuesday. Im trying to get as much info as possible to make the right decisions to save my birds life. Thanks.
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Essentially yes you can discontinue pellets and seeds all together if all his nutritional needs are met. I would go for a lower fat nut (almonds, cashews, and pistachios) to help meet his protein needs without a lot of fat. Made sure he gets a huge variety of fruits, veggies, and grains and start offering some beans and legumes.
Kiwibird is a great member to talk to about a pellet-free, Amazon friendly diet!
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He gets white beans now but I dont know much about legumes. Will have to look them up. So you think you have keep at least need some nuts in there?
Lentils are a good option for legumes
I would only give him 1 almond per day. If you feel like he is not getting enough nutrients, definitely supplement with a natural pellet (TOPs is my personal favorite...Espresso hates them but she is a picky little CAG) but no seeds at all EVER; he needs more micronutrients and less fats. Another good thing will be to try to encourage exercise; 'zons are definitely perch potatoes so getting him moving around and flapping his wings more will be good for him. Luckily, from your other posts, it seems you caught his early enough that you will be able to help him a lot! Get as much aloe detox in him as you possibly can!!
If you feel like he's getting everything he needs with your diet, then discontinue the pellets. Pellets where developed by breeders , not for ease of feeding , but as a vehicle to supply needed vitamins and mineral. They had problems supplying the trace elements needed to keep breeder birds in top condition/health. If you read the bag of pellets ,they usually state not to give vitamin supplements when feeding pellets. If you've solved the problems experts have with 100% fresh foods then trash the pellets. For me i don't fix any thing not broke. My amazons are healthier now than they've ever been, and most have been with me for 45-30yrs. I feed natural maintenance pellets as part of a varied diet containing lots of fresh foods. "Variety is best" has always been my motto. You do what ever your research says is best, of course a bit of common sense helps.
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I am not a fan of pellets. While I have been around long enough to see the results of many parrots fed all seed diets which of course caused many health issues. I agree that variety and mostly real fresh foods are best.

When pellets were developed it was thought it was better than seed but neither fed in high amounts is better or worse than the other imo with one difference... I can soak and germinate seed to turn it into a living food which now becomes a powerhouse of living nutrients. You can't do this with pellets.

Brady (YNA) gets some pellets mixed into her food, not much truthfully, she mostly gets the same diet as the eclectus (though the eclectus get no pellets at all) with the bulk of her diet fresh food, spouted seed and some dry seed and dried fruits, nuts and veggies for the evening meal.
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Ok, can I tell you what he is eating. Carrots, peas, beets, celery, red and green peppers, corn, green beans, sweet potatoes, yellow squash, white beans, mixed greens, all chopped up mixed with whole grains barly, oats, rye, sesame, buckwheat, hemp seed, quinoa, and brown rice. For fruit he eats oranges(several slices a day), cantaloupe, blue berries, raspberry, and apples.
Please tell me what I am missing, or should remove. And except for the fruit, this is a mash, all chopped and diced in one bowl, he really likes it, but he gets it in the morning eats it all day, and needs something equally healthy, but different for variety, so he doesnt get bored, at dinner. I was doing the Nutriberries, and Avicakes at dinner time. Ive stopped, and Im glad I asked, or he would not have been getting better, since they contain seeds. Right?? When you folks say no seeds, since I never fed him "seeds" per se, Im going on the assumption you mean the Nberries/Avicakes. This has been a point of confusion for me.
Also, how do I get the Aloe Detox into him? How often? Do I dilute it? And how much? Sorry to have to bombard you guys with so many questions. I have to find a way to get him better. Bandespresso thought I caught this early, but I was not so lucky. His liver is in pretty bad shape. But the Dr. Said there is a realistic chance to save him. Thanks for your help.
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