Poll Ideas?

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Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 6, 2009
We need to get a new poll going for the front page, let us know your ideas!
Well, with previous polls that have been held on this forum that specific thread attracted spammers like moth to a flame (I would have to delete 3 to 4 spam posts an HOUR) .... before we go suggesting new polls to post ... I would like to know what securities are in place to keep the spammers at bay. :) Thank you ...
I KNOW!! ... and I was only trying to fight off the spammers ... so if they can do that to ME they should be able to do it to anyone else ... *lol*
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Did anyone come up with any ideas :)
There tuns of poll ideas.

Clip/No Clip -yes, no

How many members can we bring in during the month of May(or however long)?
put like 10, 50, 100 lol

What suggestions or input do you have for the forum or like about the forum? And put a couple popular options.

etc. i dont know lol harder than i thought lol
I don't know of recent polls, but:
Favorite Bird - Personality
Favorite Bird - Appearance
What is your birds favorite fruit or veggie?
What would be your next bird if you were to get another?
or ones like Conures vs Amazons... whats your favorite... etc
Hey guys apart from the spams and u seem to be on top of that l say if its not broken don,t fix it . I find there is a wonderful selection to choose from !
Possibly the idea of one bird type verse an other bird type may be very helpfully to those people thinking new bird BUT not sure what they may be getting into . ( my meaning being one type may be way too loud , or be more for the experienced handler .
Some people just see a beautiful bird and go for it ..
Hmm thats a hard one to think about here's a few thoughts
1) what are is something that you didnt expect before you got your bird.
a- that much noise
b- that much debris
c- this much loving
d- this much work
e- Or I'll tell u in comments?

2) what is the best bird for a first time bird owner?


3) what is the first thing your bird said?


4) How large is your birds vocabulary?

just a few suggestions.
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