Red Rump Parakeet?


New member
Feb 5, 2014
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Chicago, IL
gcc Parry; lovebird Coco; 3 budgies (Tesla, Franky and Cesar); cockatiel Murzik, red rump parakeet girl Onyx
I might be getting a parent fed handled baby red rump in a few weeks...
I love the appearance of these little birds and the sounds they make. I'd only take one, but I read that they can be aggressive to other birds. However I also read a lot of scary things about lovebirds that never came true or are very mild with Coco. :D
Just wonder if any of you has single pet red rumps and what are their good and bad characteristics.

Please let me know! Thank you!!!
How exciting! I hope EdwardH sees this. I remember he breeds them.

Years ago, I used to have a Hooded Parakeet. They are in the same Psephotus genus of grass parakeets as the Red Rumps. They are also said to be aggressive to other birds. Adrian was not, and hung out with other small birds at the time. He was handfed, but retained a more wild nature.

I'm guessing they mean more that if you have for example, a mature breeding pair, that they can't be in an enclosure with other birds.. Or maybe in a mixed aviary they'll be aggressive to too territiorial for more docile species.
How exciting! I hope EdwardH sees this. I remember he breeds them.

Years ago, I used to have a Hooded Parakeet. They are in the same Psephotus genus of grass parakeets as the Red Rumps. They are also said to be aggressive to other birds. Adrian was not, and hung out with other small birds at the time. He was handfed, but retained a more wild nature.

I'm guessing they mean more that if you have for example, a mature breeding pair, that they can't be in an enclosure with other birds.. Or maybe in a mixed aviary they'll be aggressive to too territiorial for more docile species.

I read about that too, and that is my main concern especially that there is really impossible to tell their gender that early (I want a boy). But they say they are territorial only during breeding season, and fine other time. My fids are out of cage most of the time, and they share quite a territory. :D The only territorial one is my lovie, and only outside the cage, but it looks more like a game to her. When she is out by herself she doesn't really care about the places she "protects" when everyone else is around. So I dunno...
She said if she has them still left when weaned she'll let me know. I'm quite excited too.

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