Rock Pebbler and Indian Ringneck


New member
Oct 3, 2015
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Orange County, CA
Hello all. I am stuck between these 2 birds right now and I am looking for some answers from people that have Rock Pebblers and Indian Ringnecks. Both are such beautiful birds and I am willing to wait to get a handed baby. Any questions you can answer would be much appreciated!

Do pebblers have the tendency to "go wild" and become untamable?

Cage size? Right now I found a cage locally that's 30x30x43 (for when I'm not home and at night, all other times the bird will be out of its cage and outside on a aviator flight harness)

Pros and Cons of a pebbler or IRN as a first bird or just in general?
Ringnecks can talk, that's about all I know.

I've never had one before, but someone please confirm for me: I have a feeling the tameness issue might be a bit overblown. Particularly since as a responsible parrot owner you'd be handling him everyday. A few days at someone house not being handled if you're travellinng isn't going to do much to him.

I only recently got my parrot after 10 years without any, and as someone who researched IRNs, I just read that advice/concern about their tameness as "it's no different if you didn't handle any other bird for a long time", and it was not something that factored into my calculus.
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I'd say that was a fair statement - but then, also to be fair, I had budgies and 'tiels before Henry, and the two 'too's I know are very well handled so I don't have much to compare to really.
As already mentioned in your other thread, 'Rock Pebblers' are not common as companion birds. I'd be surprised to hear from anyone who has one as a pet: perhaps this is why no one has been able to reply with positive reviews of them? IRNs make lovely pets and can be extremely confiding and affectionate if you put the time into raising them. AFAIC, Alexandrines are even better! :D (Just joking - I love my Beaks!) :D
It seems like Rock Pebblers as pets are more commonplace in the UK. I think they are nice birds that can make nice pets and if one existed in my state I would have had one. Look on YouTube and you'll find Rock Pebbler videos. Indian Ringnecks are nice too from what I've heard.
The local bird shop to me had a pair of rock pebblers last time I called in - they were being sold as a pair though so I suspect they were intended to be aviary birds. I don't think they were hand raised. Pretty little things.
Hi everyone...I have a Rock Pebbler, 2-Indian Ringnecks, 1-Red Bellied parrot, 1-Blue Crown Conure and 1-Princess of Wales. All are indoor pets. I saw your question about the Rock Pebbler and wanted to share my experience. I have had my female Rock Pebbler for about 2 years and they make excellent pets. They are very sweet and LOVE attention. Mine does not talk but she does imitate whistles. If she could sit on my shoulder all day she would. They are very easy to take care of as pets and are much quieter than the Indian Ringneck. They make very soft sounds that are actually enjoyable to listen to. She does make a loud chirping sound first thing in the morning but it does not last more than about 10 minutes. In my experience, the Rock Pebbler would be a great choice for apartments and first time birds.
For the people asking about the Indian Ringneck, they are awesome birds and do talk. They can be VERY loud and will tame down easy. Both of mine were mean and aggressive when I bought them and within a week they were stepping up on my finger and now love to ride on my shoulder and no longer bite. They are comical and hilarious to watch especially when the males are posing for a female. They love to bond with other birds and are very chatty throughout the day. They are interested in everything and can learn to do tricks. However they are not cuddly birds at all and usually don't like petting.
For the people asking about the Indian Ringneck, they are awesome birds and do talk. They can be VERY loud and will tame down easy. Both of mine were mean and aggressive when I bought them and within a week they were stepping up on my finger and now love to ride on my shoulder and no longer bite. They are comical and hilarious to watch especially when the males are posing for a female. They love to bond with other birds and are very chatty throughout the day. They are interested in everything and can learn to do tricks. However they are not cuddly birds at all and usually don't like petting.

Totally depends on the IRN - mine is a snuggle monster and would be glued to me all day if he could!


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