Roux the Sun Conure


New member
Jan 5, 2018

About seven months ago I purchased a Sun Conure. I wanted a tame lil buddy that enjoyed being handled etc. My condo doesn't allow cats or dogs.

It was between a Quaker and the Sun. Granted in retrospect I wished I had looked into a breeder, but I was (am) a novice. The store employees had Conures before and said if I wanted an affectionate, loving bird I should go for the Conure. It jumped onto my shoulder at the store and then rode home on my shoulder.

I already had a huge cage etc as I also had a cockatiel which I moved into another cage.

I subsequently did lots of research on Conures and bought new toys, foods etc.

We bonded quickly. I was still having to hand-feed once a day which I did for about a month before it rejected the food on its own. I offered the food for a week without it taking any before I stopped offering it food.

I've taught it to wave, spin around and have potty trained it. It's gone on several road trips with me for short weekend trips.

I took it to an exotic vet nearby last November and had it tested. Everything was fine. Just put on a probiotic.

But found an exclusive avian certified vet not far away and took Roux there. I had it DNA sexed so he is a she :) I've got to start using the right pronoun now lol

But also told culture was positive for Pseudomonas. Roux was put on amikacin injections for ten days. I've been nervous but on day four. Was also given an antifungal to put in the water. I ordered the same probiotic as before off Amazon and started that yesterday.

Anyway Roux is the sweetest bird. She screams for me when I walk out of the room which is sweet. Always wants to be on my shoulder. Flies (rather flaps down to me as she's clipped) from her perch near the patio door to me on the sofa.

I love this lil bundle of feathers. She takes showers with me, naps tucked under my neck or near my neck. She's also going through molting starting to get her adult colors.

Had anyone else had experience with this antibiotic or Pseudomonas?

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Welcome, she’s adorable! Sunnies are great birds and mine are both love bugs.
Welcome and my sun conure is literally the best person I know.
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Welcome to the forums, thanks for a lovely introduction to Roux!

Pseudomonas is a potentially serious gram-negative organism requiring aggressive treatment. Most important to have a skilled certified avian vet to treat and follow-up!

I'n not very familiar, but found a few articles. First one is a bit shorter, second quite technical and thorough:

Thanks Scott.

I took her to a certified avian vet. He put her on 4-cc of Amikacin injections daily for ten days. Also gave her an antifungal to add to her water.
Today was injection #5. She seems to be tolerating the injections well.

She wasn't obliviously sick. Had been eating and active. In fact she's molting her body feathers.

I have to take her to reculture every six months

Appreciate the articles


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Pseudomonas is a potentially serious gram-negative organism requiring aggressive treatment. Most important to have a skilled certified avian vet to treat and follow-up!

I had to look up "gram negative" as I've heard of it but never really researched. That's nasty stuff! Yersinia pestis (aka Black Death) is one of those! D:
Welcome and be welcomed. I love the pic with the fish. Save that one for one of our photo of the month! Your little girl sounds like a cutie! She seems to taking things well and is in good hands. So important to have a good avian vet.
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Pseudomonas is a potentially serious gram-negative organism requiring aggressive treatment. Most important to have a skilled certified avian vet to treat and follow-up!

I had to look up "gram negative" as I've heard of it but never really researched. That's nasty stuff! Yersinia pestis (aka Black Death) is one of those! D:


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